This week is Spring Break and my sweet monkey is off! I knew
we wouldn’t do too much at the beginning of the week, being Devin had to work,
but I figured come Thursday we would do stuff in the evenings with the kids. My
plans were all ruined! It all started Tuesday evening. We ate dinner and then
made some smoothies for dessert. We bought some almond milk to try and used it
in there. The kids loved them so much! After smoothies we sat down to relax and
I started feeling kind of blah. That sinus congestion hit, my eyes hurt, I
couldn’t breathe through my nose, the usual annoying stuff associated with when
a cold hits. The kids went to bed and I tried to as well. I had the worst time
sleeping with not being able to breathe and coughing. Wednesday morning came
and I felt horrible. I called my Captain and told him I was staying home to
rest. I texted Morgan and told her to just come in and that I would be in bed.
I slept until 11:40! I woke up, still felt a little blah but knew that sleeping
late helped out. I just laid there, watching TV and occasionally dozing off.
The kids were napping so I told Morgan she could go ahead and leave. That evening,
I just laid around and felt even worse. I told Devin I was going to the doctor
the next day and that I really felt like I had the flu. It was insane. Devin
made dinner, cleaned up, put the kids to bed and left for work. I was out by
8:45. I woke at 12:20 to Pippa crying. I went in her room and she was burning up.
Great! I gave her Motrin and calmed her down and rocked her. She was out. She
woke up two other times in the middle of the night and luckily her fever had
broke. When Devin came home in the morning, I said you call for Pips, I am calling
for myself. I went about 9:15 and was done by 10:25. Pippa’s appt was at 10:30
and so I called Jenny to get me and take me up to her doctor. My diagnosis was sinus
infection from severe allergies and a bad ear infection (dumb, I know). I was
kind of shocked. How do allergies make you feel like you are dying? She told me
she recommended that I take Allegra when the seasons change. I told her I have
never had a problem with it before. I mean I get the common cold now and then,
but I didn’t think it was just with the seasons changing. Also, she said she
was shocked my ear didn’t hurt. She said it was a bright red and bulging. That
sounds creepy but it really doesn’t/didn’t hurt at all. So weird. She gave me a
steroid shot, a prescription for Flonase and Amoxicillin, and told me to
continue taking my Mucinex. When I got to Pippa’s appointment, they had just
done her stats and were waiting on the doc. Dr. Steadman came in and I told him
about my appointment and that I was afraid Pips was getting something. All she
had was a runny nose and it was clear but that fever had made me worry. He said
she looked great. Ears and throat were perfect. Another weird diagnosis. Lol.
He said he hated to give her something for no reason (which we agree) and said
that he is on call this weekend so if she gets worse, to call him and he can
just call something in. That worked for us! The kids both got suckers and
stickers and we were good to go! I am the only one with retarded symptoms. I’m
30, not 8. Ha ha. We went home, had lunch, all took naps and by evening, I was
feeling a million times better. I still had to blow my nose occasionally but I
could deal with that! When we picked up my prescriptions, we saw a snow cone
stand open! We had to stop. Snow cones are the best thing for when you feel
sick. Lol. Heavenly.
I woke up and showered and came to work today and besides
still sounding hoarse and occasionally coughing, I am awesome! Thank you
steroid shot! I love you! We will have a fun weekend and take the kids
somewhere to celebrate no sickness and enjoy the very end of Spring Break!
Kids keeping themselves occupied with packing peanuts. Who would have thought? |
Awesome! |
He was smiling and right when it took, he stopped smiling. I thought he looked sweet still. He looks mad! |
Pips watching TV. |
Monks playing with his animals. Lion King anyone? |
At doctor's doing puzzles. |
My wedding cake with cream snow cone! |
Pips had red cotton candy! |
Monks had Batman! |
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