Friday, March 22, 2013

A 20 Month Old Pippa!

My Pippa is 20 months old today! Wow, she is about to be 2. Crazy, crazy. Oh man, where to start. She is starting to learn new words. She asked the other day “where Dada go?” I know Aikman was already talking at her age but I refuse to stress over stuff and think she is behind and compare her to everyone else. Each kid is so different and I know she is doing great! She is really well behaved and listens so well. She has her moments, don’t get me wrong but she will walk right by you and not run off and if you tell her not to touch something, she won’t. She goes directly to time out when told and then comes and apologizes and kisses you. She has started trying to throw fits where she lays on the ground with her face down but that always ends in a spanking and time out so she is doing it less and less. She is very affectionate and loves to sit in your lap and cuddle, especially if you are on the floor. I know I am biased but she is absolutely adorable and knows it. She uses it to her advantage with her daddy. The other day in Target this lady stopped me and asked how old she was and said she was absolutely gorgeous. She even called her mom over to see her and she said the same thing. I was so proud at that moment. Not that I need someone to tell me my kid is beautiful, but it was sweet to hear. She LOVES stuffed animals and plays with all of them. She still loves her kitchen and the play food and pushing her shopping cart around. I think for her next birthday we will start getting her baby dolls and all the accessories. She also has this new love for Legos. She walks in Aikman’s room and takes his tub off the shelf and will play with them. We want to get her this bucket from Target with girly colors so they can each have their own and we will know which are his or hers. She is hit or miss with things like painting and things that get your hands dirty. Sometimes she is all for it, sometimes she wants her hands to stay clean. She loves playing outside though and loves burying her feet in the sand at the park we frequent. She loves her necklaces and hair bows. She loves eating. She could eat fruit and vegetables all day. The only thing I have found she isn’t huge on is chicken. She always kind of picks at it. Macaroni and spaghetti are still some of her favorites. We are trying to work with her on not having a sippy cup and using a big girl cup. She is a pro at using her utensils and loves eating cereal with her spoon. She always tries to copy you if you do something and is so cute when she blows kisses and tries to wink. Dancing is one of her favorite things in the world. She likes to have a book with her at night in her crib and no longer requires her cup to sleep. She loves washing her hands and is so good about rubbing her hands together repeatedly and then rinsing them. The last two days she has pointed to the toilet and to herself if you are using it and acts like she wants to sit up there. Devin took her diaper off and set her up there and she did pee and then she hopped down. Maybe she will be ready soon! Call me lazy but I am not ready to start that with her. I remember the stress of starting Aikman when he wasn’t quite ready so we will give it a few more months before we are full blown with her. She is cuter and funnier with each day that passes. I love my Pippa Lous.  

My Little Flower

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