Monday we had a yummy three bean turkey chili for dinner and the kids loved it! Devin and I put green onions and cilantro in ours and when Daddy added some cayenne pepper to his, Monks had to have some too! He just put a little but Aikman loved it! The kids also had some cheese with theirs.

Devin had found these cool little foam creatures at Academy for $1 a package. We bought a set of zoo animals and dinosaurs. I used to like these when I was younger and we figured the kids would have fun. Fun was an understatement. They had a blast! Pippa was so excited when they would slowly pop open and Monks had a great time telling us what each animal was and playing with them. Pips started tearing one of them up and so I gave them all to Monks and gave her some fuzzy poms she could play with in the water. She had the best time splashing and playing. We had to watch her or she would drink the water. Crazy thing. They both splashed up a storm and Monks was so excited we let him take his little sponge animals in the tub for bath time. Best $2 ever spent. :)
Our hippo! |
A torn one. Too sad. |
He was kissing them.
After dinner, since it was 85 out, we went to one of our favorite parks. The kids could play there forever if you let them! One playground has wood chips, the other sand so when we played in the sand one, we all took our shoes off (well not Devin lol) and we played in the sand burying our feet at times. So much fun!
Aikman up top, Pips climbing. |
I love this pic. Just wandering! |
He loves to hang and is really good at it. |
Sweet! |
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