Friday, March 22, 2013

Moon Sand

I spent about two hours yesterday afternoon printing out fun activities for the kids. I found them through Pinterest and through random blogs I have come across over the last year. Summer will be coming up and I want them to have stuff daily to do, not only with Mrs. Morgan, but with us at home. They are all fun but teach fine motor skills and keep the kids learning. I got home from work yesterday and we decided to do one since I had all the stuff at home. We made moon sand! Apparently they sell it in stores but it can be pricy. This batch we made was with 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil. You mix it all together and it is crumbly yet you can mold it into stuff and pack it down and make it smooth. We put some in a tub for Pippa and gave her some small cups and utensils to play in it with. She lasted about three minutes with it and wanted her blocks and books back. My monkey, now he loved it! He loved the feel and played with cups and utensils and then put some cars in it and would pack it down so they could drive on it and then mess it up so they could be buried. The texture was so weird, soft like powder/flour and then could be firm. He played about an hour with it and then we had to clean up for lunch and he was so upset. Devin made tilapia and steamed green beans though (one of Aikman’s favorites) so he was okay once he saw his plate. We saved it in a Ziploc bag and he can play with it whenever! I highly recommend you try it with your children! 


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