Friday, May 17, 2013

School's Oooooout For Summer

Today is my baby boy's last day of school! They are having a pajama day today and you could bring your favorite stuffed mono with you. They also are having a "bring your favorite food" lunch. Each child is to bring whatever their favorite food is and they share with the whole class. When Mrs. Kirksey was telling me about it one day, she said "it is one of my favorite days, it is so fun to have a little of what everyone loves! If their favorite is marshmallows, chips, fruit, sweets, nuggets--anything! Bring it!" Monks heard her of course so when we asked what he wanted to take, he said marshmallows! I said well I know you like them, but those aren't really your favorite and he said but I do love them! We went back and forth for about a week and gave suggestions. His favorite foods, by far, are pepperonis and cheese, HEB cups (yogurt drinkable smoothies), popcorn, pickles, corn dogs and broccoli. I figured it would be too hard for them to microwave 15 corn dogs and if we cooked them in the morning, they would be all gross by 11:15 when they ate. Popcorn and pepperonis and the HEB cups were our top choices. When we went to HEB the other night, I told him he needed to decide what he wanted to take. He was debating and then he saw it and knew! He wanted the best of both worlds! He chose that Texas shaped tray with pepperoni, two kinds of cheese and salami. He was so excited and happy and said I love this so much! So, short story long, lol, he took his tray today to share with all his friends. He also decided to wear his new Batman pajamas and I told him he could take one of his monos. He said um, I don't know. I said how are you not taking the Hulk? He said "because the Hulk and Batman don't match momma!" I said they are both superheroes, so it's all good. He kind of sighed but took his Hulk doll. Crazy thing. I can't wait to hear what everyone took! 

My sweet boy finished half a year of school! He did awesome and I look forward to Pre-K (ahhhh) next year where he will go full time. How did he grow so fast? He brought home his portfolio last Friday with his journal and his big notebook with all his artwork and things he did in those 4 months. Yep, I sure did cry looking through it! And you best believe i will save all of it! Devin calls me a kid hoarder. Not that I hoard children, but I keep all their firsts, tons of clothes and all their artwork, even if it is just three scribbles on a page. 

How sweet is he in these jammies? 
They look alike here

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