Monks diaper had leaked the other night and so I had to wash his sheets and blankets that evening. I decided to bleach his sheets and the mattress cover along with his towels and socks and one of his favorite blankets. I put off washing the other load but it was still in his dirty clothes basket. Jacque (a co worker of mine) and her daughter Addi made monks this fleece blanket with monkeys for Christmas. He fell in love with it!! He likes to grab it and just hold it while he sleeps or it will be under him and he uses it like a pillow. Well it was in his dirty clothes basket on top as I had not washed it yet. When I put him in his bed, he grabbed his blanket and went to lay down and then stood right up and pointed to the dirty clothes. He said I want that as he pointed. I knew he wanted his blanket and I said sorry monkey its dirty and he had this distressed look on his face and he said please (which he pronounces peas) so all I heard over and over was peas, peas, peas. I said sorry monks, you can have it tomorrow and I felt horrible. But my actual heart was ripped out of my chest when he looked at me with that perfect precious face and adorable eyes and said peas momma. I wanted to die! I really got teary eyed. I had to deny him it and as I walked out saying good night I heard him say bye. Once I was out of the room I went back to the living room and sat down and I heard him yell Momma and since I felt so bad I went in there and he was laying down and smiled and said bye. I felt better he was not devastated, he is a tough boy but he still was so sweet asking for that blanket. He will def have it tonight when he goes to bed. J
Thursday, March 31, 2011
What's That?
Monks woke up at 6:50 Wednesday morning and I was not done getting ready. I got him some milk and changed him and we went in our room so I could blow dry my hair and put on my make-up. He sat on the bed and watched Mickey Mouse and then he crawled down and sat right by me on the little steps to get in the bed. I sit on the floor and get ready and his feet were on my knee. He loves to “comb” his hair so he had a comb and really he just rubs it on his head and then tried to help me comb mine. As I put on my make-up he asked me what each thing I used was from my moisturizer to my eye liner. When I answered him he would go oh and then move on to something else and say what’s that. When I opened my mascara and he saw it, he said whoa what’s that? I laughed because he was so impressed with how it looked apparently and I said it is mascara and gives you pretty eyes and he did his pretty eyes for me. Gigi taught him that. I love him. He likes the blow dryer and so I took turns drying my hair and pointing it at his hair. He would just laugh. Once I was ready I was putting some lotion on and he wanted to know what it was so I told him and I gave him a dot on his hands and showed him how to rub them together. He did it so cute and then smelled them. My funny monks.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
United Monks
We needed milk last night so after running around to get Devin his package, we went to United. We went to the produce section which of course meant we had to pass the bakery. Monks was so funny pointing at everything and it was all “cookies” to him so we ooh’d and aah’d over it all and then got to produce. He is so curious right now about so much and he asked me what just about everything was and would repeat some or just say oh and ask about something new. We picked tomatoes and some cucumbers. He wanted to hold my tomatoes but I was afraid he would squish them or drop them. We then passed the fruit. He pointed to the bananas and said na-nuhs! He used to say that but I had not heard it in a while so I was proud of him. I pointed out different fruits and he said apple perfect, did not attempt strawberries, and kiwi came out as wi-gi (rhymes with Gigi) At least he tried lol We then got the rest of the items we needed and as I was getting some cream cheese, I noticed a lady kept looking at us and smiling. Monks was smiling and told her hi. She then came over to talk to him and he got shy and held my shirt but smiled. Brag moment: She said he was so handsome and sweet and one of the cutest kids she had ever seen. She said his eyes were gorgeous and so were his lashes and his smile was perfect. He smiled some more and she said she just could not get over how adorable he was. She sure was right. That made my day.
Paging Mr. Monks
When I got off work, I picked up Monks and we headed home. Devin called me as I was about 2 minutes from our house and I told him I would be home any minute and he said okay, I just need to get those papers from you. Ugh. I had made some copies of something for him at work and had them on my desk so I would not forget them. Guess what? Forgot them! He said it was okay, I could get them later but I felt bad and so I told him let me run back up there and I will meet you at the Academy. (It’s a few minutes up the road from my work) So Monks and I passed our turn and went back to get on the highway to get the packets. Tio was working that evening so I ran into his office and left Monks so I could go get the stuff off my desk. I then went back to get Aikman and he walked right past me and down the hall. I said Monks we gotta go and went to get him. He of course, thinking I am playing, takes off down the hall and is nearing our Lieutenants office. I grabbed his hand and said we did not have time to play and we went back to walk out. We stopped to tell Tio bye and he waved at him and as we walked down the hall Tio yelled bye monks and Aikman then in turn yelled bye back. We walked outside and were walking past the gas pump and there is an intercom there and Tio said bye Aikman and Aikman’s eyes got so big and he looked around. He was amazed he could still hear Tio. They yelled bye back and forth several times and even as I put Aikman in his car seat, he was still looking around yelling bye. It was so funny. We then hurried to meet Devin, whose class started in about 20 minutes and when we pulled up to the Academy, he was standing by his truck. He started to walk up to us and so did about four other guys. Monks got all happy until the guys started talking to him with the window rolled down and you could tell Aikman did not know what to think! One of the guys has a full mustache and facial hair is weird to Aikman if it is someone new. He stared at them and then started looking down, glancing up occasionally and then his bottom lip started to quiver. My poor boy! We had to say our goodbyes and leave.
Monday morning I woke up at 3:41 a.m. and heard Monks talking. He was talking about cars. I thought is he talking in his sleep? So I walked down the hall and stood outside his door to listen. He was repeating pretty much the same things. He was saying I want cars, where is my cars, there is cars, its cars. He seemed pretty wide awake so I went and got him some milk and thought I would go check his diaper. When I walked in his room ( I only had the hall light on) he was holding onto the bars and looking at his floor. As soon as he saw me he said Hi momma! I said monkey what are you doing awake and he pointed at his cars on the floor. I think he was most excited about his Buzz Lightyear car that had been at Gigi’s. He missed that thing. I got him up and changed him and he drank some milk. I set him back in bed and told him it was time to go to sleep. He laid right down and grabbed his blanket and told me bye several times. I then went back to the room where I heard him a few more times babbling about something but last time I looked at the clock it was 4:06 and I did not hear him anymore. Crazy boy!
Ice Cream & Cake & Cake! Ice Cream & Cake & Cake!
Sunday night everyone came over for cake and ice cream and presents! Once everyone was there, we all realized none of us had eaten dinner yet so Phil and I went to Little Caesars and got some pizzas and crazy bread. We ate that and then it was dessert time!! We had stripped monks down so icing would not be all over his clothes and it would make for easy bath time right after. We had a white cake with butter crème icing and homemade vanilla ice cream (not like I made it, that was the name on the Blue Bell carton). It was wonderful! I sadly forgot to buy 31 candles so we did 1 for each decade old he was and then one for the year so we had four candles. When we are short on candles we do silly things like that. Devin’s cake was done in dog years last year ha ha. You learn to improvise. Anyway, Monks loved it!! He seriously ate everything on his plate. He was a mess after (his hands were filthy and his tummy had ice cream running down it so we took off our diaper and walked naked to the bath. I had to do a pre rinse before I filled up the tub so he would not have icing floating in his water. After his bath, he told everyone good night (it was already 8:30!) and then Tio opened his gifts. Pete had bought him the beard trimmer and Phil bought him new work shoes. Devin got him some underwear, Monks got him socks, and I got him what was supposed to be a gift card to Amazon but I ended up giving him cash to use toward that because I could not find a gift card for Amazon anywhere. I tried five stores! I guess you have to go online maybe? Tio loves to read and for his last birthday Gigi bought him a Kindle and he adores it! So the gift cards come in handy. We also helped them move some this past weekend and Jenny and I had loaded all his books in the Tahoe and they seriously took up the whole back plus the back seat. It is crazy how many books he has! I told him he is only allowed to order books on the Kindle from now on. His library looks like the one in Beauty and the Beast, like where you need ladders to get to them. Oh, and yesterday at work, he got a package in the mail. What was it you ask? A book. J Guess that’s why he is so smart; he reads all the time! Hope you had a great birthday Tio!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tio's 31st Birthday Meal!
Saturday night we went to Mary’s in Strawn to celebrate Tio’s 31st birthday and eat the best chicken fried steak ever! Makes my mouth water now just thinking of it! I was so glad Olivia got to have her first taste of it. J Pete had to work that night but we brought him steak back. We got there about 7:30 and had a short wait so the guys had a Corona and Monks walked around. We were next to a railroad track so he spent most his time watching the train while we waited. They also took our order while we waited which meant that we sat down and were brought our onion rings and then about ten minutes later our food was there! I ordered Monks this little chicken and potato meal, they were shaped like smiley faces, but he wanted some chicken fried steak! He was so handsome eating and when he got full, he sat back and grabbed his cup of milk and his little tummy stuck out! It was just so funny to see him, it was like a big man who needed to loosen his pants. Needless to say he slept very well on the ride home. It was almost 11:00 when we got back so everyone decided to put off cake and presents until Sunday evening. Everyone needs to visit Mary’s at least once in their life.
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Pointing at train |
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Are you drooling yet? |
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I am! |
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Stuffed Monkey |
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His "Swamp Thing" chops! |
Baby Genius!
Saturday morning Devin left for class at 7:30 and Monks and I slept until about 8:30. We woke up and just hung out. For breakfast I made Monks one of his pancake/sausage things and he ate ALL of it with some juice. About an hour later, and after some laundry, I was hungry so I made me one of those things and I knew Monks would want something since I was eating so I got him a little bowl of cheerios. He was content eating those until he saw my breakfast. He crawled off the couch and came and sat with me and asked for a bite. I had already eaten half of it and when I handed it to him for a bite, he ran off with it! He climbed back up on the couch and finished it. We really should feed him sometime right? I called him a bum for stealing my food and he just laughed. We had been watching Handy Manny in the living room and I asked if he wanted to come with me to the room to put clothes up. Of course he followed. I started to put stuff up and he climbed up the steps into the bed and what he said next made me want to cry. He has been using sentences lately and it is so sweet to hear! He sat in the middle of the bed and said “I wan watch Manny” I looked at him and said you want to watch Handy Manny and he shook his head yes so I turned it on and he got comfy between the pillows and just sipped his milk watching while I put clothes away. Such a smart boy!
No More Ear Infection!
Friday morning we had a follow up appointment for Monks to make sure that that pesky ear infection was gone for good. We bought these sausage-wrapped-pancakes on a stick and tried them for the first time that morning. We let Monks eat his in the car and he loved it! He ate about three fourths of it and then I put the leftover part on a plate and we left it in the car while we saw the doctor. He was so sweet with Dr. Steadman and talked a lot to him! Usually he is pretty shy and won’t say but a few words but he was just walking around and talking the whole time. He even held the doctors hand when he was laying on the table checking everything. His ears were perfect he said! Music to our ears! I was so glad. We go again for a wellness check when he turns 2. Once we were back in the car, he pointed to the rest of his pancake thing and said he wanted a bite. I gave it to him and he finished it. When I asked him if they were yummy he nodded his head with big eyes as he shoved the remaining piece in his mouth. Crazy man.
Fun Evening
Thursday night Monks and I went to dinner with Pete and Phil and shopped for Tio’s birthday. Phil treated us and we ate at China Star and sat in this little corner area with only three tables. Monks faced the windows which let him see all the cars drive by. He was very excited about that. A train drove by twice and he got so excited! He yelled train while waving to it as it passed. He makes the cutest faces when he sees stuff like that. He normally loves their mushrooms but as soon as he put one in his mouth and bit into it, he spit it out immediately. He did eat three little plates of rice along with a piece of chicken. He even used his spoon! After dinner, we went to Target where Pete bought Tio a beard trimmer. While we were there, Pete had walked off in the electronics department and so I asked Phil where he went and he said he did not know. I then asked Monks where Pete was and he just looked at me and then yelled so loud “Pete!” We laughed so hard and Pete came around a few aisles and I asked if he heard him and he had. It was hilarious. Then we headed over to Academy so Phil could buy him some shoes for work. Monks and I did not find what we were looking for and it was nearly 7:40 so we finished up and headed home. We watched some Idol and then took our bath and got ready for bed. It was a fun night with Pete and Phil.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
It's A Girl!!
Olivia Grace will be here soon!! I can’t believe it. A little girl. I am still smiling with excitement. Let me replay the whole morning for you. After we dropped Monks off at the sitters, Devin and I had breakfast at Grandy’s and I got some sweet tea!! I was in heaven. I do not drink any tea or cokes during my pregnancies to limit any caffeine I take in but to get our little baby moving, I had a cup before the ultrasound. I did the same thing the day we found out with Monks. Anyway, we ate and then went to the doctors. We were taken into the ultrasound room and sat there waiting for about ten minutes. Devin said once again he thought it was a girl and I was just so nervous I could not think straight. Dr. McCain then came in and we talked for several minutes and then she asked if we were ready to see our baby! She started the prep stuff and had turned the lights out and right when she put the thing on my stomach she asked if we wanted to know the sex and we said yes! yes! and within about five seconds she said well congratulations, that is definitely a little girl! I turned to look at Devin and we just smiled at each other and I teared up some. It was a great moment. I looked at the screen and thought my baby girl, Olivia. She was being so funny and every time the doctor tried to get a face shot, she would wiggle around and put her bottom up in the air right on the screen. We saw her feet and she measured her femur and we were supposed to be 21 weeks, 5 days and she was measuring 21 weeks, 3 days which she said is absolutely perfect. She measured the top of her head when she could finally get it and we saw a side shot where her arms were moving. It was like she was punching the air, alternating her arms. It was so cute. We got a fairly decent shot of her face and heard and saw her heartbeat. In the pic with the heartbeat, you can see her spine and it is the best thing I have ever seen. I love it. Dr. McCain said she weighs 1 pound, 1 ounce right now which is barely above average by 5 oz. I am glad she is growing right on time. She has been moving so much more lately and I especially notice it when I am drinking ice cold water sitting at my desk. That really gets her going. I was so excited when we left and we could not stop smiling. I wanted to wait to tell everyone in some cute way but I could not wait one minute! I told all family first and then once I started hearing from them I sent out a mass text to everyone in my phone! Thanks everyone for the kind words and sharing in our special special time. Devin is so excited and I know she will be his world. He texted everyone in his phone that now he will have two women in his life and he definitely needs another job. J I cannot wait to have that special bond and relationship with my little girl like my mom and I had. It has already begun. I love you my sweet Olivia and you have already stolen our hearts.
When I picked up Monks yesterday I told him the great news and he just smiled. I know he does not understand yet, but he knows a baby is in mommy’s tummy and so now we can call her by her name. I asked him on the ride home if he could say sister and he did not say anything and I said monkey can you say Olivia? And he responded with a no but his no was drawn out like wow, that is a hard word, no I can’t say that yet. It made me smile. He will be the best big brother! How will I handle so much preciousness???
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This is her bottom and kind of looks like a B? That little dark space is between her legs. The doctor pointed out the three little lines and how there is definitely nothing there. |
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Her heartbeat. Do you see the spine?! Love it! |
Monday, March 21, 2011
Big Ultrasound Tomorrow!
Tomorrow is the big day! It is finally here! We will find out if Monks will have a baby brother or sister. I am so excited and can’t wait. I am so anxious! I have to be honest, my mommy instinct has not kicked in with the baby’s sex. With Aikman, I knew from the moment I had a positive test at 3 weeks that we were having a boy. I just knew. Now, I am not sure! Part of me thinks it will be another boy but everyone else pretty much thinks girl. I really have no idea and can’t wait! We go at 9:00 am and I really hope I can sleep tonight. In all the excitement I can’t help but hurt some that Gigi isn’t here now and that will never go away but I know she was so excited and she was hoping for a girl so we will see! So I thought I would share some names and maybe see if you could give some feedback on your likes, dislikes, hates or any suggestions you may have.
If we have a girl, her name will be Olivia Grace. No doubt about it. We picked out that name in 2002. I just love it. My sweet Olivia. J
We are undecided on a boy’s name. No one else likes Dash, Cyrus or Cruz but, in my defense, no one was wild about Aikman after my dream and everyone loves it now. We do also like Mason and Tyson. I really like Cole and Parker for middle names. Dr. Cole was one of Gigi’s doctors and we all loved him. He was the best doctor I have ever met. I just happen to think Parker is cute.
I can't wait to share how our family will be expanding.........
19 Months!
Yesterday Monks turned 19 months old! Nineteen whole months we have had our sweet boy, seems like it should be longer, I can't imagine our lives without him. Anyway, we went to Sam's and then had lunch at Wienerschnitzel. He loved his hot dog and had some fries and then for dessert, him and daddy shared an ice cream cone. He was so funny because he would take a bite and then he would have it on his chin and I told him to wipe his mouth and he would. He had a napkin in front of him he kept using. It was sweet. He also sat in a booster seat and not a high chair! That is a big deal for a mommy! He was so handsome sitting in it. I had to get a chair to sit at the end of the table as I did not fit in the booth! My stomach was squished ha ha. Our baby is getting big in there!
Monks has upped his vocabulary in the last few weeks and loves to ask "what is that" or say "I want that". He says when he wants up or down, when he is done, when he wants his cup or a bite, and he is obsessed with cars and especially sirens. When we see a fire truck or ambulance or police car drive by we have to roll his window down so he can see. He always says "whoa!" and points and babbles about something. Maybe he will go into law enforcement like his Dad. He loves when we sing and he will say a few of the words in certain songs. He makes the cutest meow sound and knows to be easy because a baby is in mommy's tummy. He points and says ba-by! He even learned to add the Uh to Apollo. Before he was Paw-yo, now he is uh-paw-yo. Devin has even been teaching him the word chinita. Why I don't know, but he says it pretty well. He usually says che-tuh. He also loves to color even more and knows which are coloring books and which are reading books. We bought him a Cars Color Wonder book this past weekend. Its one of those where the markers only color on the paper. Greatest invention ever I tell you. Bath time is always fun as he loves to splash and I seriously have to close the curtain or I will need to dry off and change afterwards. He also loves to take the suction fish Gigi bought for the bottom of the bath to prevent slips off and set them around the edges of the tub. Each day is a new adventure with him and I am so excited for the future. My boy is so sweet, smart, funny and healthy which basically means he is perfect. Lol.
Monks has upped his vocabulary in the last few weeks and loves to ask "what is that" or say "I want that". He says when he wants up or down, when he is done, when he wants his cup or a bite, and he is obsessed with cars and especially sirens. When we see a fire truck or ambulance or police car drive by we have to roll his window down so he can see. He always says "whoa!" and points and babbles about something. Maybe he will go into law enforcement like his Dad. He loves when we sing and he will say a few of the words in certain songs. He makes the cutest meow sound and knows to be easy because a baby is in mommy's tummy. He points and says ba-by! He even learned to add the Uh to Apollo. Before he was Paw-yo, now he is uh-paw-yo. Devin has even been teaching him the word chinita. Why I don't know, but he says it pretty well. He usually says che-tuh. He also loves to color even more and knows which are coloring books and which are reading books. We bought him a Cars Color Wonder book this past weekend. Its one of those where the markers only color on the paper. Greatest invention ever I tell you. Bath time is always fun as he loves to splash and I seriously have to close the curtain or I will need to dry off and change afterwards. He also loves to take the suction fish Gigi bought for the bottom of the bath to prevent slips off and set them around the edges of the tub. Each day is a new adventure with him and I am so excited for the future. My boy is so sweet, smart, funny and healthy which basically means he is perfect. Lol.
Haircut Finally!!
Saturday we took Monks for a much needed haircut. His hair was crazy. He did so well and only gets a little bothered when they have to do around his ears and hold his head. Dora and Diego were on his TV in front of him and she asked us if that was okay for him and he has watched it at home so I said yes but the TV next to him had Cars on and once he saw it he would not look away so she turned his taxi and had to have him watch that TV instead. Silly monkey. He looks so handsome now and like a big boy. It was weird washing his hair last night, I had nothing to grab!
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Watching Cars |
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Had to blow nose |
Finished Product! |
Friday, March 18, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
I wore my lime green shirt to work and everyone tried to say it was not green but clearly it is. I was so excited when I found that super sweet shirt for Monks at Target. He was so cute in it. He was playing in the driveway with Daddy when I got home from work yesterday. Seriously, I am calling to see if I can get him in tomorrow for a haircut. His hair has never been this long. My poor little shaggy boy. When he comes in from playing outside and is kind of dirty he really looks homeless. We also had our weekly family dinner last night. I really enjoy them. We all get to catch up, eat and laugh. It just feels good to be together. I made beef and cheese ravioli and a key lime pie. Tio and Tia brought stuff for a salad and alfredo sauce. Pete and Phil brought 2 loaves of garlic bread, spaghetti sauce and pesto sauce. When I saw the pesto sauce in the bag, I thought how cute, they wanted to be fancy but then they told me it was free when you bought the bread so that made more sense. Ha ha. I was going to make the guys green beer but everyone was too full after dinner and then it got late and I never did it. So I still owe you guys one J Monks did not eat much and wanted down to play so he walked all around us and climbed in and out of people’s laps and had fun with everyone. I love how much he loves his uncles. (He loves his Tia too but she is not as rough as “the guys”) We all went to watch Idol and Phil grabbed a pillow to lay on and Monks tried to take it. At 7:35 it was bath time and I undressed him in the living room and he walked his little nude self to the bathroom telling everyone bye and while I was getting his water he was standing by me and I heard something and looked and he was peeing on the floor. Wild man.
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Do you not love him? |
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Do you like his crocodile fake crocs? All his uncles hate on them all the time. I love them! |
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Monks loves this little parking garage thing Gigi bought him for Christmas. He loves to line up his cars on the top and if you touch one he will put it right back and if they roll, he gets upset so he has to get them just right and then will rearrange them but that is how he plays. I love to watch him. This was from Tuesday night before bed. I love his little teeth when they show. My bottom teeth look just like that lol And he needs his hair cut so bad! He is looking Justin Bieber-esque.
18 Month Check Up
Tuesday was Monkey’s 18 month check-up! He had not been feeling well over the weekend, but the last day he had improved a lot and had no fever. Anyway, we did our typical check up and he now weighs 28.5 pounds, down a pound since he had been sick! It made me sad. He is now 35 inches! He is so tall to me and not only has long legs, but his torso is pretty long too. He was so funny just laying on the table and smiling his shy smile at the nurse. When Dr. Steadman came in, he smiled and went right on the table again with him. He was good until he had to look in his mouth. Monks likes to clench his teeth to keep that little stick from going in. Our doctor checked him out and said he looked perfect once again but that his ear infection is back. So we had to go back on meds and have a follow up next Friday the 25th. My poor guy. Nothing worse than knowing your little one is sick. At lease he felt fine now. When it came time for the shot, Devin held his arms and talked to him and she gave it to him and he did not even flinch or make a noise. The nurse was very impressed! Said she has never seen that. Yes, my boy is tough. He got his cool band aid and we went to schedule our next visit. He got a Cars sticker, some crayons and a lollipop for being a good boy from the office ladies. He has been taking his medicine like a champ and Walgreens gave us one of those spoon looking medicine dispensers which is impossible to use. I have a syringe type one from some baby Motrin but to get 1 teaspoon, you have to do it nearly three times so we improvised and he takes his meds from a shot glass. We have one that has measurements on it and we pour his teaspoon and he drinks it like a champ. It is very cute to see. I will have to take a picture of it.
Oh and his Hanes socks were all dirty so he wore his old man socks with the grippy things on them.
Oh and his Hanes socks were all dirty so he wore his old man socks with the grippy things on them.
Sick Day
Aikman had gotten over his second ever ear infection (or so we thought). A week later he started feeling bad and ran fever but I knew his check up was in 3 days so I just waited to take him in. Monday he stayed home with Daddy even though he seemed to feel a lot better. They cleaned up and played with Apollo and just spent the day together. When I got home from work he was snacking on Goldfish. When we went to Kerrville that weekend, Gramita gave Monks this crazy bear and this little wooden chair for it to sit in. He liked putting the bear in it until he sat in it himself. He carries that thing everywhere and sits in it. He wanted to sit in front of the door and look out. He was our watchman. He is so funny with that silly chair as he barely fits in it!
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Sweet Chair |
Misc Monkey Montage
Rattlesnake Round-Up!
So in all my years of living in Abilene, I have always wanted to attend the Rattlesnake Round-Up in Sweetwater. Sweetwater is about 35 minutes west of us. This year we finally did it! I had to basically tell Devin he was going, he hates snakes and he even told me the night after we went he had bad dreams of snakes. My poor husband lol Anyway, after getting my way with him and everyone else agreeing to go, we left about 11:35 to head out. I had fun. Was it hot? Yes. Was it crowded? Extremely. It was still a great experience and I am glad we went. Devin and Tia did not seem to have too much fun, but Tio and I did. I can’t say Monks hated or loved it, but my poor guy was getting over an ear infection so bad mommy award to me for taking him. He still was interested and I was so excited to take him to the carnival, but he was getting tired as were all of us, so we skipped that part. We did share some raspberry lemonade that was great and he ate one chip. Yes one chip. When we arrived, there was a coliseum you paid to go in and that is where the snakes were. They had a handling demonstration area, a weighing area, and a skinning and cooking area. The line to taste rattlesnake was like a mile long so we passed. It was crazy to see people handle these very venomous snakes! You could hear that rattle all through the coliseum. Too cool. They had several booths with items for sale and a craft show. There was a gun and knife show and several food booths. The carnival was a good walk away and on the other side of the park area. After looking at everything we were hungry. We went to some booths right outside the coliseum and Devin and I got nachos, a foot long corn dog, and some twister fries. Tia and Tio got foot long corndogs, super nachos and cheese twister fries. It was all typical yummy fair food, but as we walked out to leave, we saw food booths with roasted corn and turkey legs and something called a Cuban sandwich. Not sure what that is, but I bet it was great. We were a little sad we did not walk further down to see that but we were full and tired. We were there a little over 2 hours. It was high 80’s and we were all sweaty and thirsty. I changed Monks diaper before he was buckled in and since it was so warm, I just left his shoes and shorts off. I was a little jealous. I wanted to do the same thing but I guess after a certain age, it’s not that cute anymore. Who am I kidding, if Tio had not been there, I would have taken off my pants too in the back seat. J
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Perfect snack for the road |
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People petting snake! |
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Unreal how crowded it was |
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Snakes! |
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Time for a hair cut! |
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