Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I wore my lime green shirt to work and everyone tried to say it was not green but clearly it is. I was so excited when I found that super sweet shirt for Monks at Target. He was so cute in it. He was playing in the driveway with Daddy when I got home from work yesterday. Seriously, I am calling to see if I can get him in tomorrow for a haircut. His hair has never been this long. My poor little shaggy boy. When he comes in from playing outside and is kind of dirty he really looks homeless. We also had our weekly family dinner last night. I really enjoy them. We all get to catch up, eat and laugh. It just feels good to be together. I made beef and cheese ravioli and a key lime pie. Tio and Tia brought stuff for a salad and alfredo sauce. Pete and Phil brought 2 loaves of garlic bread, spaghetti sauce and pesto sauce. When I saw the pesto sauce in the bag, I thought how cute, they wanted to be fancy but then they told me it was free when you bought the bread so that made more sense. Ha ha. I was going to make the guys green beer but everyone was too full after dinner and then it got late and I never did it. So I still owe you guys one J Monks did not eat much and wanted down to play so he walked all around us and climbed in and out of people’s laps and had fun with everyone. I love how much he loves his uncles. (He loves his Tia too but she is not as rough as “the guys”) We all went to watch Idol and Phil grabbed a pillow to lay on and Monks tried to take it. At 7:35 it was bath time and I undressed him in the living room and he walked his little nude self to the bathroom telling everyone bye and while I was getting his water he was standing by me and I heard something and looked and he was peeing on the floor. Wild man.

Do you not love him?

Do you like his crocodile fake crocs? All his uncles hate on them all the time. I love them!

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