Wednesday, March 30, 2011

United Monks

We needed milk last night so after running around to get Devin his package, we went to United. We went to the produce section which of course meant we had to pass the bakery. Monks was so funny pointing at everything and it was all “cookies” to him so we ooh’d and aah’d over it all and then got to produce. He is so curious right now about so much and he asked me what just about everything was and would repeat some or just say oh and ask about something new. We picked tomatoes and some cucumbers. He wanted to hold my tomatoes but I was afraid he would squish them or drop them. We then passed the fruit. He pointed to the bananas and said na-nuhs! He used to say that but I had not heard it in a while so I was proud of him. I pointed out different fruits and he said apple perfect, did not attempt strawberries, and kiwi came out as wi-gi (rhymes with Gigi) At least he tried lol We then got the rest of the items we needed and as I was getting some cream cheese, I noticed a lady kept looking at us and smiling. Monks was smiling and told her hi. She then came over to talk to him and he got shy and held my shirt but smiled. Brag moment: She said he was so handsome and sweet and one of the cutest kids she had ever seen. She said his eyes were gorgeous and so were his lashes and his smile was perfect. He smiled some more and she said she just could not get over how adorable he was. She sure was right. That made my day.

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