Monday, March 21, 2011

19 Months!

Yesterday Monks turned 19 months old! Nineteen whole months we have had our sweet boy, seems like it should be longer, I can't imagine our lives without him. Anyway, we went to Sam's and then had lunch at Wienerschnitzel. He loved his hot dog and had some fries and then for dessert, him and daddy shared an ice cream cone. He was so funny because he would take a bite and then he would have it on his chin and I told him to wipe his mouth and he would. He had a napkin in front of him he kept using. It was sweet. He also sat in a booster seat and not a high chair! That is a big deal for a mommy! He was so handsome sitting in it. I had to get a chair to sit at the end of the table as I did not fit in the booth! My stomach was squished ha ha. Our baby is getting big in there!

Monks has upped his vocabulary in the last few weeks and loves to ask "what is that" or say "I want that". He says when he wants up or down, when he is done, when he wants his cup or a bite, and he is obsessed with cars and especially sirens. When we see a fire truck or ambulance or police car drive by we have to roll his window down so he can see. He always says "whoa!" and points and babbles about something. Maybe he will go into law enforcement like his Dad. He loves when we sing and he will say a few of the words in certain songs. He makes the cutest meow sound and knows to be easy because a baby is in mommy's tummy. He points and says ba-by! He even learned to add the Uh to Apollo. Before he was Paw-yo, now he is uh-paw-yo. Devin has even been teaching him the word chinita. Why I don't know, but he says it pretty well. He usually says che-tuh. He also loves to color even more and knows which are coloring books and which are reading books. We bought him a Cars Color Wonder book this past weekend. Its one of those where the markers only color on the paper. Greatest invention ever I tell you. Bath time is always fun as he loves to splash and I seriously have to close the curtain or I will need to dry off and change afterwards. He also loves to take the suction fish Gigi bought for the bottom of the bath to prevent slips off and set them around the edges of the tub. Each day is a new adventure with him and I am so excited for the future. My boy is so sweet, smart, funny and healthy which basically means he is perfect. Lol.

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