Friday, March 23, 2012

Activities With Monks

I have been looking online lately for activities to do with Aikman. I feel like he gets bored sometimes and I hate just letting him play with his cars and Legos forever. I have found several easy, cheap and entertaining things to make/do with him. One we tried recently is the strainer and pipe cleaners. You give your child a strainer and let them push and pull pipe cleaners through the holes. Who would have thought it could be that fun? He LOVED it! We bought the stuff at the dollar store so for two dollars we got him something that keeps him busy and keeps him learning. We talk about the colors, count them, separate by size, the possibilities are endless. The first night we sat down with him to use it, he really played with them for over an hour. We call them snakes or worms and he keeps it all in the strainer on his shelf and then will tell you I wanna play with my snakes momma and goes and gets them. He loves to push each one in while the strainer is upside down and then they disappear and at the end he lifts it up and reveals all the snakes!

We still have several things to try. I have shaving cream paint for the bath, painting with pudding or cool whip, using magnets to move pipe cleaner pieces in a bottle, glow in the dark goo, homemade slime, painting with chalk outside, several arts and crafts, button art, a busy tray and a balloon pop surprise game. Everything to do these activities can be done with stuff around the house and even if we do need something, they are not expensive to buy at all. I am so excited to do these things with him in the next few weeks. He can learn and have fun, all while spending quality time with our precious boy.

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