Monday, March 19, 2012

Potty Like A Rock Star!

Let me just start by saying I am so proud of my monkey! He woke up Sunday morning and we changed his diaper. After that, we put on his underwear. We then hung out and played and when Pippa went down for her morning nap, we painted. I kept asking if he needed to go potty (instead of just making him go) and he would tell me no. I then noticed a little wet spot about the size of a quarter on his underwear. I explained to him we don’t pee in our big boy underwear and that if we need to go, we go in the potty. He told me he understood and we changed underwear. From that point on, we had a great day! He went pee 10 times in the potty yesterday! Ten times!! We got a star sticker each time and three gummy savers. We also put stickers on a chart we have hanging in the bathroom. We have a column for when he lets us know he needs to go, when he goes in the potty and when he washes his hands. I thought to myself when he gets maybe 10 stars we could buy him a present. Hey, if bribing helps, so doing it! He needs to associate going potty like a big boy as a huge deal (which of course it is)! Well after yesterday, he already had 10 so I thought maybe we could go to 20. Lol. I saw one of those bubble lawn mowers at Wal-Mart Saturday and it was only $19. I thought that would be the perfect gift for him right now! Anyway, when I asked him to go the first few times, he said no he didn’t have to but I made him and he would actually go. I was so proud of him. We figure since this is so much to take on right now, for him to make sure he learns to pee standing since that is how he will do it anyway. Why work and work to get him to sit and pee when he won’t do that normally? He is so cute too when he goes! I was one proud momma and my heart was swelling with love and excitement for him as he would stand, bend his knees a little, aim and pee! He then does his little shake and then would put his hands up and want a five and say I did it! I pee momma! We would high five and then wash our hands. He would then put back on his little underwear and wait for his candy and sticker. His aim got 100 times better as the day progressed. The first few times, I was just cleaning the floor and front of seat, but the last few all I had to do was empty the pot from the middle and wash it out. He also went three times on his own, just getting up and running to the bathroom. I always followed him and he would just be peeing with a huge smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to tell Daddy when he woke up! I did put two Pull-Ups on him that we got as a sample and they honestly seemed a little hard to get on and off for him so I was a little disappointed but he did love them because they were Cars brand and they have a tire on the front and if it gets wet, the tire disappears. The thought of Mater or Lightning McQueen losing their tire was not going to happen on Aikman’s watch! I am just debating now whether I should buy him a lot more underwear or a box of Pull-Ups. I did get corrected when I referred to the Pull-Up as a diaper. He would tell me this not a diaper momma! He is so right! I think if it makes him feel older to wear the undies, we will just buy him more packs. Oh my goodness, I will be washing mini underwear on a regular basis soon! How sweet is that?

I did have to laugh once when I picked up Pippa from her bouncy chair, I saw she had a small star sticker in the middle of her nose. Lol! I asked him about it and he said I give it to Pippa momma! Sweet boy.

I took the potty over to Tio and Tia's today so I am hopign he will be into it today like he was yesterday. Regardless, it was a huge step for him and we are so excited!

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