Monday, March 26, 2012

Little Nerd

When Aikman is done eating, he has to ask us if he can get down from the table. The other night he was finished and he said “I please get down momma?” I said that he could and I was stacking our plates and he was about to go in the living room. He turned to me as he jumped down and said “let’s go bay-bee.” I laughed so hard. He called me baby in a deep voice while dragging out both syllables. So silly.

I was asked the other day out of the blue what do donkeys eat momma?

Devin and I used to always joke around and call each other Lady Gaga. Yes, we might be a little retarded but it was always really funny. The other night I told Aikman something and I called him Lady Gaga. I then told him to call Devin it and as Devin stood in the bathroom shaving, Aikman ran to the door and yelled “You Lady Gaga Daddy!” It was hilarious. Last night I asked Aikman something and he answered me by saying no Lady Gaga. He called me it! Devin and I laughed so hard because we had not said it that day. He laughed himself and ran to his room. I told him I was going to get him for that. As we put away his clothes last night before bed, I whispered to him to tell Devin when he left “bye Lady Gaga, be careful!” Aikman then says, loud enough so that Devin could hear from the kitchen, no momma, I not call Daddy Lady Gaga! It was as if he did it on purpose like hey, she told me to say this but I am not going to. I called him a punk and said I would get him later when Daddy was gone. Lol. Goofy boy.

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