Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monsters Inc

Aikman had a bad dream the other night. I woke up to him jumping in bed with me. His heart was really beating fast. It was so sad. I asked what happened and he said he had a bad dream about monsters and was scared. I explained it was just a dream and he had nothing to be scared of as monsters were not real. I explained to him we can’t sleep with mommy and daddy and that he was a big boy. I took him back to his room but he was very hesitant to get in bed. He then started to cry and I calmed him down and he asked me if he could sleep on the couch. I thought it was a little strange but the couch is better than our bed, so I told him he could. He grabbed his blanket and got on the couch. I dimmed the lights to where they were barely glowing and told him good night. He turned over and went right to sleep. The next morning while getting ready, he told us Monsters Inc had scared him. He showed us how they opened his door and looked at him. We again explained monsters were not real and that he was safe. We also were a little surprised because I can’t remember the last time we watched that movie and he loved it. He was never scared.

That evening when it came time for bed, he asked if Monsters Inc would get him. I told him no and asked if he wanted to say some prayers before bed. He said he did. I will be honest, we have prayed occasionally with him, but not made it a part of our nightly routine before. He knelt by the bed and we said our prayers. He was so cute doing it, I had to cry. To hear him say the things he said melted my heart and I could feel a lot of guilt for not making this a regular part of his life. He then said amen and jumped in bed. He was all smiles.

The next morning, when we woke up, the first think he said to me was “I not have bad dreams momma!” I told him that was great and we went on with our day. Fast forward to that evening and as I went to put him in bed he said I need say my prayers momma. I said okay and we said our prayers. He reminds me of his prayers each night. It is so sweet and he already pretty much has them memorized and says them with me instead of after me.

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