Tuesday, February 12, 2013

It's Almost Valentine's Day!

Last night after dinner and Pippa's bath, I sat down with Monks to make his Valentine's for his class. Mrs. Morgan had shown me some Pinterest ideas she had and I instantly fell in love with one. Well actually I loved like six but we only did one. We bought some bubbles and some cellophane bags and Valentine cards. Monks of course had to have, what else, Avengers! He opened all the sacks and put one bottle of bubbles in each. I then wrote his cards and he placed one in each sack. We also put a sticker I had made that said "You Blow Me Away! Your Friend, Aikman." I didn't personalize each one being that none of the children read yet and I didn't want to make it a headache for the teachers to have to help pass them out. This way, he just gives one to each friend. They came out perfect and he was so proud of them! I love that it is something the kids will enjoy and it's not all candy!

Pips pointing at the Hulk. Ignore that giant bag of trash that needed to go out. Lol. 

Look at that concentration!

Ta-da! How cute is that? The little picture on it is of a kitty blowing heart shaped bubbles. Um, perfect! Thanks clip art. 
We also made his box to receive all his Valentine's. His teacher asked us to use a cereal box and make something for them to store them in. I wrapped it in some festive and shiny paper and then he did the decorating. He put foam hearts, glitter glue and stickers. He said he couldn't wait to use it! Sweet boy. Pippa played with some bubbles and the box and a bag while he worked. We had so much fun doing all this! Thank God for his awesome school! He is doing so so well. 

Almost done!

Finished! Super sweet huh? 

1 comment:

  1. It all looks great! I love my creative nephew (and his creative mom). I need to buy him a Valentine card now!
