Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sweet Stories

This happened the night I kept Adrian and I kept forgetting to post about it! Aikman loves Snoopy and Charlie Brown. He was on a pretend phone and was talking and saying “sure, yes, yes.” I asked who he was talking to and he said “Woodstock.” He meant the little yellow bird. He then came and told me that Woodstock was coming over for dinner and could I set another plate. I told him I would. He kept reminding me as I made the salad and waited on the pizzas to not forget his plate, as he was coming for dinner. We put a small plate in the middle of the table for him. Tio said it best. “At least he won’t each much!” My boy is so crazy. And sweet.

There was a moth in the house the other day and we used to always have so much fun together killing moths with the fly swatter. I told Monks we should kill it and he said “no momma, he is so sweet. He is like Woodstock’s friend.” Oh brother. Lol.

Tio texted us while we were at the monster truck show. He said they were watching some UFC fight and that Pippa was watching it and then walked over and hit Adrian, knocking him off of something. He said Adrian fell and looked up like what the hell and then Pippa laughed and walked off. Lol. Now THAT’S my girl.

Last night as Devin got ready for work, Aikman and I sat on the bed. Devin was in uniform and had just put on his duty belt with all his gear. He then went to get his gun and Aikman asked with such excitement, “So you gonna go out and shoot lots of bad guys tonight??”  Devin said he hoped he didn’t have to but he will if he needs to. Aikman then said with such worry in his voice, “but I don’t want them shooting at you, Daddy!” I told Aikman he wouldn’t get hurt and that Daddy was a good shot and always won against any bad guys. Hey, I don’t want my son worrying about his daddy at night. Aikman then stood up and said “you should just punch them like this and be like a superhero!” He imitated some boxing on the bed for a few seconds and Devin told him he would try that. He is always so sweet when Devin leaves and always says “be careful!” after he hugs and kisses him.

Pippa has learned how to bark like a dog. She did it for Pete and Phil yesterday several times. It doesn’t sound like a woof woof or a bark bark or even arf arf. It sounds more like if Mariah Carey sung one note at a time. She is so crazy. She talked nonstop on the way to Taco Casa and when we told her to sing, she did. She loves to sing. It is the cutest thing ever! Next time you are with her, ask her to sing or show you what a dog says. 

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