Friday, February 1, 2013

Twas the Night Before School....

When I got off work yesterday, I went home and picked up Devin and the kids. I called Devin as I was leaving work to remind him to grab the list and he said we are across the street. I thought what is across the street because I know he did not mean the neighbor there. I get home, run in to get the list, don’t see anyone and as I get back in the car to get my phone, I see, in the big field across the street, a monster truck. Lol. I then saw this little blue thing moving and jumping and realized it was Aikman. I drove over there and Aikman was so excited. He was just talking and talking and going on and on about it. The news station is right in front of the field so we figured that they had been driving it to advertise for this weekend’s Monster Truck Show. 

We then went and picked up Phil because he was off and wanted to come shopping with us. We decided to go to Wal-Mart in case Target didn’t have all the notebooks he needed. He picked out a green spiral and two green folders. He said they were “Hulk books.” He and Phil then picked out a black binder and it was off to get his lunchbox and backpack. They didn’t have a huge selection of lunch boxes, and he grabbed a Spiderman one at first, but it was so small. We then decided on a pretty blue one that had a section for small Tupperware in the bottom (and came with a container), a front zippered section and a large interior. It was all insulated (I guess all are huh) and he liked it. He told Devin “Daddy, I’ma get this cool blue one okay? Okay.” We then went to get his Ziploc bags, wipes and hand sanitizer. We looked at the back packs and he saw this vintage looking superheroes one and it was clearance so we snatched it up. 

We then went to eat dinner at Tamolly’s (Phil chose it) and I had the BEST fish tacos there. They were amazing! Monks loved the fish in it too. It was then home for baths and getting ready for our first day of school! I labeled all his items and bagged his extra set of clothes and we made his lunch. I worked with what I had. We made heart shaped sandwiches with bologna and a slice of cheese, blackberries and strawberries with little heart sprinkles, Pringles, a nutri grain bar, some pudding and some grape juice to drink. He was so excited and we put his meal in the fridge. He did tell me he didn’t want his chips cold though lol. 

Daddy and Monks enjoying their chips and hot sauce!
His sweet back pack and lunch bag. 

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