Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Weekend Update

This weekend was nice. We hung out with lots of family and did some shopping and good eating. Nothing is better, right? Right. Friday night we went and had dinner at this little hole in the wall Mexican joint here called Los Arcos. A guy Devin works with swore they had the best fajitas. Well, they weren’t the best but their rice and salsa was awesome and I can only imagine how great their other food is! We were joined by Tio, Tia and Adrian and then Cantu (co worker) and his wife Drea and son Jacob. It was good company and really good food. We then went back to the house and hung out.

Saturday we went to the mall with both Silva families. Devin wanted new shoes but couldn’t decide on any. Phil needed an i phone case and everyone else was just along to look! I found Pippa the sweetest little Bob’s at Shoe Depot. She is a doll in them. The kids all rode this little carousel outside the store and then we all went to lunch at China Star. We also hit up Sam’s. Devin had to work extra duty Saturday night so he slept some in the evening.
Mid "pretty girl"
This kid is stylin! 
How much do you love? 
Sunday we had breakfast at a place called Mary’s. It was great! The kids had pancakes and eggs and sausage with beans and potatoes and then Devin and I had eggs with potatoes and beans. Devin also got a medium bowl of menudo. Monks wanted to try it and loved it! He was picking up his bowl to drink what was left. It was delicious and I thought it was kind of spicy but Monks enjoyed it. We then went to Target and then back to the mall so Devin could get the shoes he decided on. We also saw some decently priced children’s shoes so got Monks a pair. His were getting small. It was then home for naps and then hanging out in the evening. Time to get ready for Monday! 

Precious pie!
Eating some menudo....

My plate. This stuff was awesome!

New kicks!
Look at that precious baby after her bath. Comb those locks Pips!
Reaching for a book. A-dorable!

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