Sunday I woke up to Aikman shoving some treats from his basket in my face and Pippa holding two things from her basket and she was just squealing away by the bed. Monks yelled “look what the Easter bunny brought momma!” and then they both ran out. I thought it was the cutest thing that they both got up together and went to see what he brought them. It was just after 7 so I got up and let Devin sleep more and took the kids in their room. They had a few treats and played with their stuff. Big Tia then came in and looked at their loot as well. We then headed outside. The kids wanted to go out so bad so we sat out there playing. Monks got a new little golf set so he was in heaven. We then made a delicious breakfast and had it on the patio. Big Tio also made us his famous Orange Julius’s. The kids loved them! Monks announced that this was the best day ever! He said that again about four times during the day. So sweet. We had ham, eggs, biscuits and potatoes. Aikman ate about one and a half slices of ham and they were huge pieces. He also said he didn’t want his potatoes but when Big Tio challenged him to a race to see who finished first, he ate almost all of them! We then went to pack and load up. We stopped by Gramita’s to take her a potted plant and tell her happy Easter. We headed out about 1:30. We were getting hungry so decided to just stop at Whataburger and grab something and after I realized it was Easter, I felt like a jerk for having made those people work. Pips fell asleep shortly after we got out of Kerrville with her grilled cheese in hand. She slept about an hour and then was up. The kids got a little restless the last forty minutes but we made it eventually. We unloaded everything and put it all away and then sat down. The Wizard of Oz was on so I let the kids watch the last hour of that. They loved it! That was Gigi’s favorite movie so I thought it was sweet. Kids were bathed and in bed by 8:30 and Devin and I went about 10. We had an awesome weekend and the kids had a great Easter! I love their ages right now!
Pips got a book, a bunny cup, some stretchy bunnies, some candy jewelry, some chocolate bunnies and random little candies. |
Monks got some cars, a golf set, a Hulk PEZ dispenser, stretchy bunnies and random candies. |
Look what our jelly beans grew into!! Wow! Monks wasn't that impressed lol |
He loves roly polys and ladybugs now. |
Eating her yummy breakfast with an orange julius mustache. |
These pics are beyond precious. |
Stylin on the way home. |
Pit stop. Men went potty while we played! |
Watching Wizard of Oz |
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