Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monkey's Sweet Dessert with Lesson Learned

Friday, Devin told me Monks had his first bad day ever. It wasn’t even a bad day, it was that they had to get onto him for the first time. He was throwing toy cars on the playground. We of course both spoke to him and had a long talk. He told us what happened and that some other kid was doing it so he did it. We went over right and wrong and not following people and after a spanking since he knows better than to throw toys, his punishment would be no sweets. Dessert is his love and we knew that would make him realize his actions have consequences. No sweets, no desserts, no cookies, no ice cream---nothing all weekend and he had to have a great day Monday and show us he learned his lesson. I stressed it all to Morgan and she said she would ask for a detailed recap of his behavior before she picked him up Monday. 

She said he had an awesome day and was so well behaved. I had promised him if he was good and we had a good report, we would make a cake Monday night! Last night about 7:20 after the realtor left, we began our baking! We made a vanilla cake with cool whip icing and fresh strawberries. I sliced all the berries and he washed them and dried them. Pips was already in bed when it was cool enough to eat so he and I decorated it. I helped frost and he put the fruit on. He was so proud of it and we both sat down to eat a slice. He ate all of his and as I talked on the phone to Tio, he scooted closer to me and ended up leaving me two bites of my slice. Oh well, he had earned it. I was very proud of him. 

Enjoying his dessert
So pretty! 

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