Saturday when Monks woke up, I had to go to the grocery store to get everything for Devin’s birthday dinner. It was still pouring rain out and I had to take poor monks with me. He was in a great mood and giving me that cheesy smile he does so I got him ready and combed his bed head the best I could and got his bag ready. Devin and I do not own an umbrella because we really don’t care if we get wet but I could not let Monks get all wet so I was in a major dilemma. I covered him with this diaper changing pad because it was waterproof and just set him on the seat and then I climbed in front. I buckled him in from inside the car. Our first success, he stayed dry. I then went to my mom’s to get one of her umbrellas because unlike me, she has twenty seven. Once we had our umbrella, we were ready to go! Here we come Wal-Mart. Monks was so amazed by the rain and the way it looked and sounded and stared out the windows the whole way. I parked as close as I could to the door but we were still at least 10 spaces out and it was a challenge let me tell you getting Monks out and keeping him dry, getting his bag, keeping my huge Mary Poppins umbrella up, and walking without slipping. It’s always my fear to slip and fall in the water. Normally I would not care if it was just me, but with the precious cargo I had, falling was no option. We made it in safe, I felt I smelled of boob sweat, sorry if that is too graphic for a family site, but it is the truth and sometimes the truth makes you throw up in your mouth a little. Second success, he was dry again. Now onto the challenge of finding a basket. I know they will be wet, as a tsunami is occurring outside, but the lady was doing a good job of wiping them the best she could and so we thanked her and grabbed some extra napkins to dry the seat more, and we were ready to shop. Monkey had about five people compliment him from his eyes to what a good boy he was being helping mommy shop. He even picked out Daddy’s cake mix! We were torn between a French vanilla one and a funfetti one. He chose the French vanilla and I asked if he was sure and he said he was and I said if no one liked it it was on him and he said that was fine. He also chose a butter cream icing. The cake turned out perfect with the pecan pralines and cream ice cream. We also could not pass up some doughnut holes so he munched on two while we finished shopping. When we were about to leave and walk out, I noticed it was still pouring so I opened my ginormous umbrella once more and we started out. I was hot from loading all the groceries and was ready to be home and then I heard someone say “ma’am? Um, ma’am?” I turned to see this lady pointing at my basket and I look down and I am dragging one of those “Piso Mojado” aka “Wet Floor” signs. Really?? So I lift up my basket, while keeping Monks covered under the umbrella and remove the sign with my foot. I am sweaty, my hair is a mess and all wavy, I am wet and the boob sweat is back. I then walk back to the car, and put monks inside and he stands on the middle seat looking back at me just talking while I unload our groceries into the back. Final success, all groceries in and monkey did not get a single drop on him! Thanks Gigi for your ridiculous umbrella, it kept my boy dry. We then went to Wendy’s to get some nuggets and mandarin oranges to reward ourselves for a great morning.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monks started feeling a lot better Friday and was not running fever, just seemed somewhat clingy at times. We had hoped to go to the Balloon Fest that was going on this past weekend to eat a funnel cake and some sausage on a stick but it started pouring Friday and so that was no longer an option. I decided to do some running around to get Devin’s birthday present (we celebrated Saturday) in the pouring rain. Why did I even fix my hair? Both my guys were napping so I snuck out. I went to get his phone from the AT&T store and the guy who helped me looked like Jerry Lane. Made me happy. I then made the trek to HEB to check out their ice cream cakes and it was raining so hard and I tried to walk fast enough to not get soaked, yet slow enough to not slip and bust in the parking lot. They only had small cakes for $22.00 so I decided to pass and check my options first. On the way out I saw a guy who was buying two bags of those small limes and a case of diet coke and was BAREFOOT! His feet were black and not to mention wet. Isn’t that like illegal to not wear shoes in a store? So gross. I did want to let him know that they do sell diet coke with lime already in it but he was scary. You’re on your own sir.
After I left there, I went home and Devin had just woke up. We decided to order Chinese food and Andrew and Jenny could pick it up on their way over and Gigi and I went to United to get drinks and something for dessert. We ate and had mini cupcakes and watched AFV.
Monks woke up at 11 just crying and crying and he never wakes up during the night. I got him out of his crib, checked his diaper, gave him some milk and tried to rock him. My sweet boy gave up being rocked to sleep cold turkey when he was about 7 months old. He likes to go to sleep on his tummy on his own in his bed. I knew something was wrong because he just laid his head on my shoulder and put both arms around my neck, twirling my hair with his finger. It was the sweetest moment. I rocked him for nearly ten minutes just singing to him (he is the only one who appreciates my voice) I could tell by his breathing he was asleep and was no longer moving so just as I was about to stand up and lay him down he lifted his head and mumbled some precious phrase and I told him it was time to go to sleep. I laid him down and he was quiet and found his spot and I left. About 30 minutes later, we heard him again and I told Devin I was worried, he never does this and Devin agreed. Devin got up with him and tried rocking him and I thought maybe he is gassy? I had given him Motrin when he woke up the first time so I thought maybe we should try these gas drops we have. I went in his room and turned on the light and Devin set him on the floor so I could lay him down and Monks started playing with his train and the letter blocks. Um, not time to play, time to sleep. As I gave these drops, I noticed one of his pointy teeth on the top row was right below the skin. All his symptoms go with teething so I figured that was the problem. I put on some Orajel and he went back in bed and was out. He did not wake up until 10:15 Saturday morning so he was a well rested monkey.
Friday, September 24, 2010
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for ice Cream!
When monks started running his fever Wednesday, he was kind of picky about what he would eat and what better way to cool him down than with an ice cream cone! I promise you my son does not normally get ice cream for dinner but he was not feeling well and this was an exception. He held it upside down at first and Daddy fixed it for him and he went to town on it. He ate about half the cone before he decided he was finished and gave the rest to Apollo.
I am sure you have noticed by now, but he is an extremely messy eater! That is a strawberry on his tray with some chicken flavored noodles by the way.
I am sure you have noticed by now, but he is an extremely messy eater! That is a strawberry on his tray with some chicken flavored noodles by the way.
What is the Obsession with Tomatoes?
Wednesday while I was making dinner, Monks was in the kitchen with me. I had grabbed something out of the fridge and he just loves it in there, so he crawled over to it and pulled himself up. He would stand in the doorway forever if you let him. I saw him take a step up on the bottom part of the fridge and he was just looking in there. I went to grab the camera from the living room and came back to find him eating tomatoes! He had opened the little container and dumped them on the shelf. When I walked in, I said Aikman Allen! and he turned to smile with a big tomato on the inside of his cheek. I started taking pictures, it was so cute! He is hilarious! I helped him down and he grabbed a tomato for the road and I sent him in the living room with dad.
Monks is Sick
So I have been missing the last two days because my baby got sick. He started running fever on Wednesday afternoon when he woke up from his nap, it was 100.0 and we thought it could be from his back teeth coming in so we gave him some Motrin and hoped for the best. He was not fussy at all or acting different, he seemed somewhat picky about his food, only wanted tomatoes or grapes, but had this fever. Thursday he woke up at 5 in the morning and was really warm. I gave him some Motrin and decided he would stay home from sitter and I would make an appointment just in case. I had seen him rub his ear twice the day before so wanted to double check everyhting before the weekend. They could not get him in until 3 in the afternoon and he seemed fine even during the day, his eyes looked a little sad but he was still playing and smiling. We went to the doctor and were there almost 2 hours. They said he was running a low fever although I do not know what it was, and the doctor said his ears looked great and his chest sounded perfect but his throat was a little red. He said he wanted to test for strep. That came back negative so he wanted to test for flu just to be safe. That test was horrible and Monks cried like he never has before. It was so sad to see. He only wanted Devin and it took him about 2 minutes to calm him down. Poor thing. Luckily, that came back negative too. He said it was just something viral then and to keep an eye on his fever and check back with him today. I kept him home again today just so he could rest and so he would not be contagious to the sitter's little girl. He woke up this morning extremely happy and kissed me right when I picked him up. He has been playing, felt a little warm, but not like he had been and I went to take his temperature and both my thermometers aren't working. Really? So I will get one today when Devin gets home from work. He ate a good breakfast and seems to be doing great. He slept in until 9:25 and went down for his nap about forty five minutes ago. I will keep you posted!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Whatchu talkin bout' Willis?
Monkey does this thing where he repeats you or just says something and it sounds like he said a full sentence. It may be wishful thinking but we have heard him say I love you, vampire, what’s on your shirt, no thanks and I know there are more but that is all I can think of right now. Last night Devin was playing with him and he was laughing and he stopped and said something. We both looked at each other and I said he said “Please don’t do that” and Devin said he clearly said “I love you Daddy”. Either way it was cute.
Wakey Wakey Eggs n' Bakey!
We had breakfast burritos last night with egg, bacon and cheese. They just sounded so good and believe me, they were! I noticed on the back of the package it said you could bake the bacon in the oven so we tried it. I hate cleaning off my griddle after cooking bacon. It turned out pretty good. Not as crispy but I imagine if I would have left it longer than the 15 minutes it would have been. Monks loves eggs so much, it is so cute to watch him eat them. Eggs are pretty much the only thing he will let you feed him off a spoon. Everything else he has to feed himself. He can easily eat two whole eggs. He was not big on the bacon though when I gave him a small piece so he had eggs, a piece of tortilla and grapes.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Rumble In The Jungle
Monks usually wakes up between 7 and 8. We change his diaper and he gets milk and then goes back to sleep for about two hours. This morning though he woke up at 6:15. I heard him moaning and whining/going to turn into crying so got his bottle ready and then went in to change him. I turned on his light and he cringed since it was so bright. He immediately tries to stand and is smiling and I get him out and as I lay him on the changing table and start changing him, I heard his tummy growl! It was crazy loud! My poor monks was starving! He started reaching for his bottle and immediately began chugging it, pausing twice to take a breath and the two times he took out his bottle he made that “ahh” sound like this stuff is good. I consider myself a pretty fast changer and by the time I was putting his pajama bottoms back on, he was over half way done with it! He finished it and went back to bed. Crazy boy.
I Heart Monks
I am going to have to post videos so you can see how Monks acts. He is so funny!! I have been around a lot of kids and he is so much different than any I have known. Maybe just because I adore him and he is all mine J
Yesterday when I got home, Devin had his game of Madden paused and was getting Monks up from his nap. I love when I get to go home and see his sweet face. Usually he is still napping for about 30 minutes and I have to wait to be with him. Devin changed him and we then went in the living room to play with him. He was crawling everywhere and looking out the door. He loves when you crawl or walk toward him slowly like you are going to get him. His laugh is the absolute best when you do that. So he was in the corner by the front door and I crawled toward him slowly and he tried scooting back as much as he could just squealing and laughing and when I got to him, I started to tickle him. He then gave me about twelve kisses all over my face and it was the sweetest thing ever! He then walked around me (I’m still on my hands and knees) and pulled my shirt up in back, slapped on my lower back, came back and gave me more kisses and then went around again and tapped my back, and repeated this like four times. No clue what he was doing but I got like seventy two kisses from it so it was all good.
During dinner, a commercial came on advertising an unplugged type concert with Toby Keith. As soon as his songs started playing, Monks stopped eating and started clapping and smiling. Hey Toby, you got a fan! It was so funny. I had to text Tio Bill who is a huge fan because I knew he would appreciate it. He did and said one day Monks would sing “Whiskey for my men, beer for Apollo” It made me literally laugh out loud hysterically when I read that. Good one Tio Bill, good one.
Bath time was not so fun, Monks slipped and slid down back of tub. I think it scared him more than anything maybe, he was hysterical. He did not go under water though so maybe he just bumped his head sliding down. I hugged him for a while and tried to calm him down. He was precious naked and wet and pulling on my shirt trying to crawl out. My hair got all wet on the side he was on and I was about to get him out when he just stopped and smiled and let go of his death grip on me and continued playing. Um, okay. He was completely fine after that. We played for a little while longer and then started our bedtime routine. I think he has some teeth in the back coming in because he chews on his whole thumb and when we brushed his teeth he pushed that sucker way back and was chewing on it like it was his cud.
After Monks was out, Gigi and I went to Wal-Mart to get a few things while Devin watched MNF. Normally I would have wanted to watch the game, but I loathe the Saints and the 49ers are pretty weak too. (I did start watching from the start of the 4th quarter when I got home and it ended up being a great game, poor niners) My hair looked wild since it had been wet and air dried. I have the dumbest hair ever and when it gets wet or sweaty it gets curly so I went to the store with half straight, half wavy hair and these small curls that made me feel like a cape buffalo.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Beware of Mama Bear!
I know it may sound corny, but I love celebrities! Anyone who knows me puts up with my obsession. I have been addicted to Celebrity-Babies for the last two years. I love seeing pictures of the kids, certain products they use and get the scoop on who’s expecting! I have found some awesome things for Monks there at amazing prices!
I saw both these on there today and couldn’t help but think, man, those are so true.
“I would die for my children. I would kill for my children if someone were trying to hurt them,” the actress, who plays a mother in her new film Like Dandelion Dust, tells PEOPLE. “I have become a very fierce mama bear, and I’d lay down my life in a heartbeat if it could save theirs.” Mira Sorvino
“Not to be cheesy, but you get really gangster about your relationship now, like this is my family. There’s a bond that the four of us share that nobody can mess with." Mark McGrath on the birth of his twins
Random Pics
Hook 'Em Horns!
Saturday my monkey slept in and then we had breakfast and cleaned up. We had to get ready for the Texas/Texas Tech game that evening. We were having chicken quesadillas and soft tacos with black beans. I had to deck out Monks in his UT gear, but the one shirt he has is a little long, we bought it at the Mercado in San Antonio so I found an 12 month shirt that I thought I would try. Yeah it fit him tight and was smaller than most his shirts and his ponsa showed if he lifted his arms, but I thought it would be okay. Well, when Devin got home, the first thing he said was “Hey monkey! Why you wearing a girl’s shirt??” I said stop, he looks okay and Devin looked at me and said babe, it is like a scoop neck and his cleavage is showing. (Did I mention it was kind of low cut since it was small?) Okay, okay, I should not have put my poor kid in it. He was changed into his longer shirt immediately. We had a great time watching the game and hopefully one day it will be Monks on that field. That or Georgia Tech’s. I have this huge obsession with them for some reason. Have you seen their mascot?? Too cute!
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With Gigi |
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Just ate an ice cream cone |
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Watching game |
These pics were from when Monks was almost 2 months old. How precious are his shoes??
Friday night we went to San Angelo to pick up Pete for the weekend. Devin, Monks and I left when I got off work. It was a good trip down there until Tom Green County. Devin got pulled over by a Trooper! He was clocked going 76. Luckily the very nice gentlemen only gave us a warning and sent us on our merry way. We picked up Pete and his friend Joann and headed back. Monks was kind of shy at first and kept leaning to the side smiling. It had been nearly 3 weeks since he saw him. It took him maybe 5 minutes to warm up to him and by then he was holding his hand and just talking and talking. We caught up on some stuff, talked high school football and the fair (the fair was mentioned numerous times), work and mom’s doctor’s appointment. It seemed to take a little while to get back but maybe that was because it was dark by now and Devin could not drive like the Fast and the Furious. About 20 minutes out, Monks just could not take it anymore in his car seat. Sippy cups, goldfish, and even his bottle were not good enough. We had to use our backup. Whenever he gets restless and upset, one thing makes him happy—Rude Boy by Rihanna. I have it saved on my phone for times like this. I started playing it and he instantly stopped and started smiling. He was content listening to his song. He will move his feet to the beat and sometimes bob his head. After hitting repeat about 6 times, we figured he could make it and he did. He turns into “Drunk Monks” when he is exhausted and laughs hysterically at anything. Poor guy. When we got home he had to play with Pete so they played for a little while. He thought it was the funniest thing to act like he was running over Pete with his car and Pete would be over dramatic and Monks would just laugh and laugh. Pete could have won an Oscar for when he rolled down the stairs and hit Aikman’s highchair and played dead. Sadly, Monks thought he really hurt him and started crying but once he got up and knew his uncle was okay, he stopped. My sweet compassionate boy.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Always, Sometimes, Never
Saw this on another blog, thought it was cute.
I, Sarah Frances Anderson,
Check on Monkey before going to bed
Kiss him when when I get him out of his carseat
Compare him to other babies
Watch videos of him on my phone at work when I miss him
Sing thinking it sounds pretty good
Make lists for the store and then forget them at home
Sleep on my stomach
Smile when I am watching Monks
Have had high self esteem
Go weeks without shaving my legs (poor Devin)
Go to bed with dishes in the sink
Wonder what our first conversation will be about
Wonder if I could love a second child this much
Wonder if people get tired of me talking about Monks
Cry to get my way
Text while driving
Eat ice cream out of the tub
Watch Monks when he sleeps
Think about what Aikman will be when he grows up
Go to bed angry
Fed him baby food before trying it myself
Regret breastfeeding not working out for us
Knew I could love someone so much
Take him out without shoes
Get tired of slobber filled, open mouth kisses
Sleep with my closet door open
Remember how old I am
Can hold in a laugh
Can stay alive for long on shooting video games
Happily We Chug Along......
This pic is about a week and a half old, but I saw it on Tia's phone last night and had to have it! Tio and Tia bought him this awesome little train for his birthday! It is a V-Tech one and has so many features and so many things to help them learn. Toys are amazing nowadays. This is the back part you can sit on and stores little alphabet blocks below. The front comes off so they can just push it around and is a train engine with lights, places to put the letters and it reads them, it counts, has a little book you turn the pages and recognizes the letters and objects, and a hole you put the alphabet blocks in to shoot through to the caboose Monks is sitting on. That probably makes no sense lol but I tried. It is an amazing toy and I highly recommend it if you have a child this age. Aikman likes to push it all around the house (with both parts connected) and he pushes it from the front, not the back. This causes a jackknife effect and it is so funny to watch. We find these alphabet blocks everywhere! One night I was picking them all up and I was putting them through the top of the train and they were shooting into the back part (and remember it counts so this little cute voice is just saying 1....2.....3) and after about 6 of them, Devin said "Babe, can you not just pick them up and put them in the back please?" Oh yeah. I am telling you this toy is so much fun!!!
Playing Outside
These went with the Nature Boy post, but I did not have them on my computer the other day. So sorry for being late but they are so sweet, so I am sure you don't mind!
I noticed lately all my pics seem to have Monks pantless! What's up with that lol I promise he has clothes!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Under The Sea
We made spaghetti last night for dinner because it just sounded so good with some salad and garlic bread. I always use penne or rotini to make it easy for monks to eat it. He ate a few noodles but once he saw the salad, he was done. He loves those little grape tomatoes! I can’t even tell you how many he ate. He eats weird things. Not weird like creepy foreign things, weird like not the typical things most little kids like. He will choose lemon pepper tilapia over mac and cheese. Cauliflower over yogurt. Mushrooms over nuggets. Stuff like that. Gigi had also brought him these little Gerber Graduates whole grain bars with fruit and he had one of those.
After dinner, he was filthy. I went to give him a bath. He has these little sea animals squirters that he loves. He doesn’t squirt with them, he just sucks their heads. Lately he has this habit, with any of his toys really, to move them one by one to a certain location and then once they are there, move them again. He will do this forever. The other day in the living room, he had his Buzz car and the seat lifts up to put in “cargo” and he always puts these little Tonka trucks of his and these animal Wheel Pals in there. The other night he was trying to put them all in there and was doing it really fast and getting excited to move them from the couch to under the seat. It was like he was being timed or something. Devin and Gigi love the show Minute to Win It with Guy Fieri and were cheering him on saying he had a minute to win it and yelling his name. He was squealing he was trying to go so fast and when he had the last one in it, he slammed the seat shut and sat down and was breathing heavy. It was hilarious. Okay back to the bath. He tries to put all his squirters on the soap ledge, but only about 3 fit, so when that fourth one goes on, one falls and he has to squat to pick it up and he repeats this several times. So yesterday he realized, hey, this bathtub ledge is bigger, let’s try that. He lined all his guys up on the edge of the tub and was so happy and proud they all fit. I was kneeling in front of the tub leaning forward and I guess I got too close to his masterpiece and he put his hand on my forehead and pushed me back. My mom was sitting in there too and we looked at each other and I said excuse me for getting in your way and he continued playing. I leaned forward again and he pushed me back by my cheek this time and looked me straight in the eyes. I then leaned in again to only be pushed back once more. I told him that he hurt mommy’s feelings and it was so precious because he looked at me and leaned forward, kissed me and then looked at me. I know he was thinking sorry mom, I still love you and you are the best, but you are going to mess up all my hard work so please get back. Okay, okay, so maybe that’s not EXACTLY what he was thinking, but pretty close. It was just so sweet. I then let him play for a little longer before getting him out. He is so funny and that adorable face of his is too much for me sometimes. I could squeeze him all day.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Devin is 28 today! He says we are "out of our prime" now but I say we are still good. We are actually celebrating his birthday next week so I just gave him a card today but it was the cutest card ever! I will post pics of his birthday celebration when it takes place.
The Nature Boy
Ugh, and Andrew, Pete and Phil better not even mention Ric Flair here! Monks has always liked the outdoors if he is swinging or swimming, but to "touch" anything like sand, grass, or a tree, he is not too crazy about. Guess he gets that from me. When we took pictures for his birthday invitation, we went to this super cute area downtown and he was just smiling and posing and then he felt a plant touch him and he was done. He made the most disgusted face and looked at it and then us. He would whine when the blossoms on a tree came near him. We tried putting him in grass and he crawled like those little chihuahuas walk on AFV when they have shoes on. At the beach, he would not let his feet touch the sand. If you tried to set him in it, he would bend his legs and do everything he could to keep them from touching the ground. Sooooooo, imagine my surprise yesterday after work when he was crawling all through the front yard!! I got home to find Devin washing his truck in the driveway and monks was in his playpen in the yard. Gigi was over sitting under the tree by him. I took him out and had put down a towel to sit on in the grass and he touched the grass and then pulled his hand back and then touched it some more--on his own! I then moved this tractor he was playing with to the grass and he just crawled right after it and took off. He had so much fun. He did try to put a stick in his mouth but we caught him in time. Monks and furry brother, Apollo, just roamed the front yard for about 30 minutes. He had so much fun and was so sweet. I was so proud of him.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Precious Moments
No, not those scary things without mouths and ginormous eyes, precious things Monks did yesterday while we were out and about. Here are a few:
- He has started, all on his own I might add, hiding his face and then when you say "Where's Monkey?" (or any other name he goes by) he uncovers it. The adorable thing is he does not necessarily cover his eyes. Sometimes it is one eye and an ear covered or both ears or a mouth and cheek, you get my point. It is so funny and he just laughs and laughs when he uncovers himself!
- At Sam's yesterday, we were just looking at stuff and Devin saw a huge margarita machine that was $200 and Devin jokingly said "Put that in our basket!" and acted like he was grabbing it and Monks started clapping! Wild boy.
- We ate a late lunch at China Star with Gigi and Phil and all Monks wanted was mushrooms and chicken. He also tried a cheese won ton for the first time and would suck out all the filling. He loved them! I did throw up in my mouth a little when Daddy gave him tapioca pudding but sadly Aikman liked it.
- We went to look at Halloween stuff and I put on a werewolf mask and came around the corner. I assumed he would get scared but he smiled and played with it's hair and laughed. Strange right. Well then Devin puts on one of those super ugly clown masks, looking just like "It" and Monks smiled and gave him a kiss!! Nothing gets to this boy, seriously. At least my boy loves Halloween like his family.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monk's 1 Year Check Up
Today we went for Aikman's 1 year check up. I love his check ups. I always take the day off and spend time with my two favorite men. Today was perfect as usual. We went into a new room today! Dr. Steadman has two rooms he uses for check ups only. Rooms 5 & 6. Each of his offices has a different theme. Normally we walk into Room 5, AKA the Aggie Room. Does Room need to be capitalized? I am thinking not and don't feel like "shifting" so it will not be. Anyway, the Aggie room has, well, Aggie stuff. Newspaper clips, some maroon walls, that Lassie/dog thing with a maroon blanket on it's back, the typical A&M stuff you see. It's cute (if you're Horns :) but today the nurse said "We will be in room 6 today" and we were like whoa! tight! Room 6 has what I would call an American/Dyess theme to it. It had an awesome American flag on the wall that was placed just right to look like it was waving. It had red, white, and blue stuff but what stood out was this huge C-130 painted on the wall. I immediately thought, Dad! (You would have liked it G-Bo) It was a neat change of scenery. The nurse then asked us to strip down our Monkey and get him ready to be weighed and measured. He was so cute sitting on the paper on the table in just a diaper. She laid him down and measured him and he was 32 inches long. He just smiled at her sweetly. Then Devin picked him up and took him to the scale in the hall and I heard her say 25 pounds, 7 ounces. My monks is a big healthy boy. Devin and monks then came back in the room and we waited for the doctor. We just love him. While we waited, we did a puzzle and read a book. Monks walked around some in there and wanted Daddy right by him. Doctor then came in and we asked our questions we had for him, he asked us some, and then he examined Monks. He laid him on the table and Monks smiled at him the whole time, laughing occasionally. He thinks it is the funniest thing when he undoes his diaper and moves his legs in that bicycle motion! He doesn't mind anything being checked except for that stick they use to look in your mouth. He clenched his teeth together and Dr. Steadman had to wiggle it and make him smile to open his mouth. He looked at him like hey, you tricked me and gagged. Lol. I love these doctor visits not only to make sure my monkey is healthy but to feel like all your hard work pays off. The doctor always says Aikman looks just great or comments on how exceptional his ears are and says keep doing exactly what you are doing. You can't help but smile. He said today "He could not look any more perfect". Thanks doc. :) Then we talked some more and he left and the nurse then came back in for his shots. We asked about the flu shot and he said he would have them do it when he got his others so Monks got 3 shots today. He laid down like normal and the nurse said to hold his arms and love on him so we talked to him and I kissed his forehead. He looked somewhat surprised at the first and she was quick so he did not have much time to think between the second, but on that third, he thought, hey, not cool guys, and started to cry. She was done in seconds and as soon as Devin picked him up, he stopped. He was a tough little guy. She had put a Daffy Duck band aid on but as soon as she did, he ripped it off and grunted. She laughed and so did we and we put it back on and got him dressed. He was already smiling and laughing again. (fyi, I found that band aid on his floor outside his crib after his nap. He took it off again the little stinker) We then checked out and scheduled his next visit which will be December 14. I was so proud of my sweet boy. I love him.
Cowboys Game
So you will come to learn all about us through this blog. One of the things you will find is we love football!! And I mean L-O-V-E. So now that it officially started last week, you will see some posts about it. Monks has had Longhorn and Cowboys gear since the day he was born. I took these two pics to compare. So sweet!
So for the Cowboys/Redskins game, we ordered wings. We tore some meat off and set it on his highchair tray. He would NOT eat it. He wanted that wing himself. So Gigi gives him anything he wants and gave it to him. I came around the corner to see him chewing on a wing and loving it!! It was so precious. He is truly an Anderson/Silva.
The wing was Hawaiian and he ate about 3. I love the last pic. He is thanking God for wings and football. Seriously though, who doesn't??? :)
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At 9 days old watching a Cowboy game. |
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9/12/10 I only put him in this to see how much he had grown. I don't put my son in this swing anymore lol |
The wing was Hawaiian and he ate about 3. I love the last pic. He is thanking God for wings and football. Seriously though, who doesn't??? :)
Monk's First Boo-Boo
So Dad and I decided to take Monkey to the park one evening so decided Rose park would be great because it had this cement pavilion that would be perfect for him to push his Buzz car on and we could push him on it too. It was not too hot out and we were having so much fun. We had been playing nearly 30 minutes and I said let's go swing before we leave and we thought, one more time across the pavement and he will be good. Well, he wasn't. Mid pavement his wheel hit a rock and my poor Monkey went flying face first over the top of it. He lands face down on the pavement and his car tips over, he starts crying and we run to him, yes, I was quick that day, and pick him up. He wanted Daddy which was sweet but he was bleeding on his eyebrow, his cheek, under his nose, and his lip was bleeding. His lip was already swelling and so was his eye. It was horrible! He calms down quick but me being "over protective" am thinking the worst and so scared. We clean him off and head home to clean his cuts and bathe him. I cried more than he did. He looked like Rocky, all swollen and just chillin in his carseat coming home. I know my boy is tough, but his mom isn't when it comes to him. I cried and prayed the whole way home he did not have a concussion and debated going to the doctor. When I saw that smile with a fat lip and eye, I knew he was okay but geez, he looked bad. They scabbed over and we feared it would scar, but Tia Jenny brought us some Neosporin and Cars Band Aids and within a week, his scabs fell off and he was no longer "Scarface".
Having fun!
Not so much.......
Healing and all better!
Having fun!
Not so much.......
Healing and all better!
Monks Birthday Party
I wanted to have a big birthday party for Monks when he turned 1. I had several people tell me "1st birthdays are for the adults" and "kids won't remember it" and "it's a waste of money". I agree with some of those but my purpose of a big party was to show him off and celebrate how great he is to us and what a milestone 1 was! We tried for nearly 3.5 years for a baby and let me tell you that's a long time to be disappointed month after month. Add a misacarriage to that, and Aikman is the biggest blessing and answer to prayers you can imagine. I love that guy to death and can't even describe what he means to us. Anyway, I got off my topic. Sorry. We had his party at Sears Park's Recreation Center. It had exactly what we were looking for so when we went and saw it one day, I paid my deposit. We had a little over 80 people there and it was everything I had hoped for. The food was great, the desserts were wonderful, the games were fun, and I enjoyed being with the people we care about and sharing our wonderful boy. We planned it for months and it took lots of work, but in the end, it was all worth it. I can't thank everyone enough who helped. My family all did what was asked of them (even when it wasn't asked nicely, oops! is there such thing as Partyzilla??) I just wanted perfection and I got nothing less than that. We went with a Mod Monkey theme. You never would have guessed that right? I am posting a ton of pics beacuse my computer is super fast in uploading them to the blog. I was being sarcastic, it is ridiculously slow at it, so you only get a few. I can be lazy today.
Happy Birthday Monkey!!
On August 20, Monks turned 1. We had planned on going to the zoo in Dallas but that would make for a long day. Plus, with the temperatures in the high 90's, possibly reaching 100, um, not trying to be outside too long. So we ate breakfast, went to the Abilene Zoo, then to Mary's in Strawn to eat a late lunch/early dinner, (best chicken fried steak ever!!) came home for a nap, and then had presents and cake with family. It was a great day full of unforgettable memories and wonderful food.
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This was when Monks first woke up. Daddy showed him how to do "#1" |
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Monks and Mommy at Mary's. |

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