Monday, September 27, 2010


Monks started feeling a lot better Friday and was not running fever, just seemed somewhat clingy at times. We had hoped to go to the Balloon Fest that was going on this past weekend to eat a funnel cake and some sausage on a stick but it started pouring Friday and so that was no longer an option. I decided to do some running around to get Devin’s birthday present (we celebrated Saturday) in the pouring rain. Why did I even fix my hair? Both my guys were napping so I snuck out. I went to get his phone from the AT&T store and the guy who helped me looked like Jerry Lane. Made me happy. I then made the trek to HEB to check out their ice cream cakes and it was raining so hard and I tried to walk fast enough to not get soaked, yet slow enough to not slip and bust in the parking lot. They only had small cakes for $22.00 so I decided to pass and check my options first. On the way out I saw a guy who was buying two bags of those small limes and a case of diet coke and was BAREFOOT! His feet were black and not to mention wet. Isn’t that like illegal to not wear shoes in a store? So gross. I did want to let him know that they do sell diet coke with lime already in it but he was scary. You’re on your own sir.
After I left there, I went home and Devin had just woke up. We decided to order Chinese food and Andrew and Jenny could pick it up on their way over and Gigi and I went to United to get drinks and something for dessert. We ate and had mini cupcakes and watched AFV.
Monks woke up at 11 just crying and crying and he never wakes up during the night. I got him out of his crib, checked his diaper, gave him some milk and tried to rock him. My sweet boy gave up being rocked to sleep cold turkey when he was about 7 months old. He likes to go to sleep on his tummy on his own in his bed. I knew something was wrong because he just laid his head on my shoulder and put both arms around my neck, twirling my hair with his finger. It was the sweetest moment. I rocked him for nearly ten minutes just singing to him (he is the only one who appreciates my voice) I could tell by his breathing he was asleep and was no longer moving so just as I was about to stand up and lay him down he lifted his head and mumbled some precious phrase and I told him it was time to go to sleep. I laid him down and he was quiet and found his spot and I left. About 30 minutes later, we heard him again and I told Devin I was worried, he never does this and Devin agreed. Devin got up with him and tried rocking him and I thought maybe he is gassy? I had given him Motrin when he woke up the first time so I thought maybe we should try these gas drops we have. I went in his room and turned on the light and Devin set him on the floor so I could lay him down and Monks started playing with his train and the letter blocks. Um, not time to play, time to sleep. As I gave these drops, I noticed one of his pointy teeth on the top row was right below the skin. All his symptoms go with teething so I figured that was the problem. I put on some Orajel and he went back in bed and was out. He did not wake up until 10:15 Saturday morning so he was a well rested monkey.     

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