Monday, September 20, 2010


Friday night we went to San Angelo to pick up Pete for the weekend. Devin, Monks and I left when I got off work. It was a good trip down there until Tom Green County. Devin got pulled over by a Trooper! He was clocked going 76. Luckily the very nice gentlemen only gave us a warning and sent us on our merry way. We picked up Pete and his friend Joann and headed back. Monks was kind of shy at first and kept leaning to the side smiling. It had been nearly 3 weeks since he saw him. It took him maybe 5 minutes to warm up to him and by then he was holding his hand and just talking and talking. We caught up on some stuff, talked high school football and the fair (the fair was mentioned numerous times), work and mom’s doctor’s appointment. It seemed to take a little while to get back but maybe that was because it was dark by now and Devin could not drive like the Fast and the Furious. About 20 minutes out, Monks just could not take it anymore in his car seat. Sippy cups, goldfish, and even his bottle were not good enough. We had to use our backup. Whenever he gets restless and upset, one thing makes him happy—Rude Boy by Rihanna. I have it saved on my phone for times like this. I started playing it and he instantly stopped and started smiling. He was content listening to his song. He will move his feet to the beat and sometimes bob his head. After hitting repeat about 6 times, we figured he could make it and he did. He turns into “Drunk Monks” when he is exhausted and laughs hysterically at anything. Poor guy. When we got home he had to play with Pete so they played for a little while. He thought it was the funniest thing to act like he was running over Pete with his car and Pete would be over dramatic and Monks would just laugh and laugh. Pete could have won an Oscar for when he rolled down the stairs and hit Aikman’s highchair and played dead. Sadly, Monks thought he really hurt him and started crying but once he got up and knew his uncle was okay, he stopped. My sweet compassionate boy.


  1. that precious man! so sweet and caring, sorry his cleavage showed lol. and she's my girlfriend ;)

  2. lol at picking up Pete's "friend"
