Friday, September 17, 2010

Always, Sometimes, Never

Saw this on another blog, thought it was cute.
I, Sarah Frances Anderson,
Check on Monkey before going to bed
Kiss him when when I get him out of his carseat
Compare him to other babies
Watch videos of him on my phone at work when I miss him
Sing thinking it sounds pretty good
Make lists for the store and then forget them at home
Sleep on my stomach
Smile when I am watching Monks
Have had high self esteem

Go weeks without shaving my legs (poor Devin)
Go to bed with dishes in the sink
Wonder what our first conversation will be about
Wonder if I could love a second child this much
Wonder if people get tired of me talking about Monks
Cry to get my way
Text while driving
Eat ice cream out of the tub
Watch Monks when he sleeps
Think about what Aikman will be when he grows up


Go to bed angry
Fed him baby food before trying it myself
Regret breastfeeding not working out for us
Knew I could love someone so much
Take him out without shoes
Get tired of slobber filled, open mouth kisses
Sleep with my closet door open
Remember how old I am
Can hold in a laugh
Can stay alive for long on shooting video games

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