Sunday, September 12, 2010

Letters to Monks

When Monks was born, I had my family each write him a letter. Just something to welcome him into the world and share about the months leading up to his arrival and what we thought of him so far. We read them the day he was born in the hospital and to hear how much everyone loved him already and how much we had anticipated his arrival was amazing. So fast forward a year and I thought we should write them again to talk about our first year with him, what we experienced, special memories we had, just his first year in general. I wanted to share mine with you.

My precious, precious, Monkey:

I have to admit as I write this (yes at 1 in the morning) that I am filled with so much excitement to know I am a mom to a 1 year old! How awesome does that sound?? You are no longer referred to in weeks or months. Where did the year go? It really seems like yesterday I would strap you in your bouncy chair sound asleep so I could at least shower and I can’t tell you how many times I would peek out the curtain to check on you in the short time I was in there. Now, I can set you in your crib with some toys and you are set for the entire time it takes me to get ready. I know it is a good thing, but it makes me sad sometimes how independent you have become. You do so many things on your own and the things you may struggle with, you continue trying until you master it.
It’s crazy to think that a year ago today at 12:39 you came into this world and forever changed my life. I can’t begin to describe what I have felt this past year and all I experienced. I have cried hysterically because you were constipated and I literally jumped for joy the first time you smiled at me. You amaze me each day and I am still in awe sometimes that you are mine. You have been the greatest baby ever. You have always been very happy and very easygoing. You love to eat and sleep. You fit right into this family.
You love: bath time and swimming, chicken, avocados, cell phones, music, your furry brother, your “bug train”, books, toys that light up, Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny, the vacuum, pushing things around the floor, looking outside, playing peek a boo, jumping, balls, having your ears cleaned, and your bottle.
You don’t care much for: being fed off a spoon, macaroni and cheese, your furry cousin Austin, being told no in front of people (it embarrasses you and hurts your feelings), wearing hats, grass or trees, being in your playpen if Gigi is over, cuddling and sitting still, waiting for a bottle when it is naptime, and being covered up.
In the past twelve months you have gone from adorable baby to the cutest little guy I know! You are a tough boy who rarely cries and a lot of times, when you get hurt, you will hit whatever hurt you (like the ground, a toy, a drawer) You also have only cried once from shots at your check ups. You usually just stare like what was that and then you laugh and forget about it. The nurses just love you. You have a great appetite and have always loved fruits and veggies. You prefer cauliflower over macaroni and cheese. It does not take much to make you smile and you always wake up happy and peek over the edge of the crib with that crazy hair, sweet face, and big smile. You can’t stand up fast enough when we walk in the room. You started giving kisses recently, and who would have thought a slobber filled open mouthed kiss could make you melt. You don’t do it on command, which makes it more special, to know you do it when you feel someone deserves it. I live for those kisses. You say mama, dada, dog, and occasionally nana for banana. You called a black bear at the zoo once a dog and it was so cute. You talk all the time though and it is so funny to hear you and have conversations with you. I love our talks in the morning going to the sitter and on the weekends when we are together. Last night you stood a lot in the tub on your own! Walking will be next! You also had your last bit of formula yesterday so it was full of milestones!
You love your daddy so much and no one makes you laugh like he does. I can’t tell you how I feel seeing you two together. It is the best thing ever. You both are my world and I could watch you two forever. Daddy wants you to have a little brother or sister soon, but I am selfish and don’t want to share myself yet with anyone but you. I don’t even know where to begin on how much Gigi, Tio, Tia, Uncle Petey and Uncle Phil love you. They were there from the minute you were born and have been ever since. You amaze us all. I could go on forever about you and every detail of this past year. The last few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster for me. Did I love on you enough? Did we read enough books together? Have I taught you all a typical 1 year old should know? If it was a test, would I have passed? And then I see your perfect, precious face smile at me and know I would not change a thing. You are extremely happy, very loved, and so healthy. I have never given you anything less than my absolute best and promise you I never will my sweet boy. I will always be here for you and will never let you down, I can promise you that. I can’t wait for the future years with you. You are my life and I thank God each and every day for giving you to us. I love you Monks.

Love, Mommy

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