Monday, September 27, 2010

You Can Stand Under My Umbrella-ella-ella-ella

Saturday when Monks woke up, I had to go to the grocery store to get everything for Devin’s birthday dinner. It was still pouring rain out and I had to take poor monks with me. He was in a great mood and giving me that cheesy smile he does so I got him ready and combed his bed head the best I could and got his bag ready. Devin and I do not own an umbrella because we really don’t care if we get wet but I could not let Monks get all wet so I was in a major dilemma. I covered him with this diaper changing pad because it was waterproof and just set him on the seat and then I climbed in front. I buckled him in from inside the car. Our first success, he stayed dry. I then went to my mom’s to get one of her umbrellas because unlike me, she has twenty seven. Once we had our umbrella, we were ready to go! Here we come Wal-Mart. Monks was so amazed by the rain and the way it looked and sounded and stared out the windows the whole way. I parked as close as I could to the door but we were still at least 10 spaces out and it was a challenge let me tell you getting Monks out and keeping him dry, getting his bag, keeping my huge Mary Poppins umbrella up, and walking without slipping. It’s always my fear to slip and fall in the water. Normally I would not care if it was just me, but with the precious cargo I had, falling was no option. We made it in safe, I felt I smelled of boob sweat, sorry if that is too graphic for a family site, but it is the truth and sometimes the truth makes you throw up in your mouth a little. Second success, he was dry again. Now onto the challenge of finding a basket. I know they will be wet, as a tsunami is occurring outside, but the lady was doing a good job of wiping them the best she could and so we thanked her and grabbed some extra napkins to dry the seat more, and we were ready to shop. Monkey had about five people compliment him from his eyes to what a good boy he was being helping mommy shop. He even picked out Daddy’s cake mix! We were torn between a French vanilla one and a funfetti one. He chose the French vanilla and I asked if he was sure and he said he was and I said if no one liked it it was on him and he said that was fine. He also chose a butter cream icing. The cake turned out perfect with the pecan pralines and cream ice cream. We also could not pass up some doughnut holes so he munched on two while we finished shopping. When we were about to leave and walk out, I noticed it was still pouring so I opened my ginormous umbrella once more and we started out. I was hot from loading all the groceries and was ready to be home and then I heard someone say “ma’am? Um, ma’am?” I turned to see this lady pointing at my basket and I look down and I am dragging one of those “Piso Mojado” aka “Wet Floor” signs. Really?? So I lift up my basket, while keeping Monks covered under the umbrella and remove the sign with my foot. I am sweaty, my hair is a mess and all wavy, I am wet and the boob sweat is back. I then walk back to the car, and put monks inside and he stands on the middle seat looking back at me just talking while I unload our groceries into the back. Final success, all groceries in and monkey did not get a single drop on him! Thanks Gigi for your ridiculous umbrella, it kept my boy dry. We then went to Wendy’s to get some nuggets and mandarin oranges to reward ourselves for a great morning.

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