Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monk's First Boo-Boo

So Dad and I decided to take Monkey to the park one evening so decided Rose park would be great because it had this cement pavilion that would be perfect for him to push his Buzz car on and we could push him on it too. It was not too hot out and we were having so much fun. We had been playing nearly 30 minutes and I said let's go swing before we leave and we thought, one more time across the pavement and he will be good. Well, he wasn't. Mid pavement his wheel hit a rock and my poor Monkey went flying face first over the top of it. He lands face down on the pavement and his car tips over, he starts crying and we run to him, yes, I was quick that day, and pick him up. He wanted Daddy which was sweet but he was bleeding on his eyebrow, his cheek, under his nose, and his lip was bleeding. His lip was already swelling and so was his eye. It was horrible! He calms down quick but me being "over protective" am thinking the worst and so scared. We clean him off and head home to clean his cuts and bathe him. I cried more than he did. He looked like Rocky, all swollen and just chillin in his carseat coming home. I know my boy is tough, but his mom isn't when it comes to him. I cried and prayed the whole way home he did not have a concussion and debated going to the doctor. When I saw that smile with a fat lip and eye, I knew he was okay but geez, he looked bad. They scabbed over and we feared it would scar, but Tia Jenny brought us some Neosporin and Cars Band Aids and within a week, his scabs fell off and he was no longer "Scarface".

Having fun!

Not so much.......

Healing and all better!


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