Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wakey Wakey Eggs n' Bakey!

We had breakfast burritos last night with egg, bacon and cheese. They just sounded so good and believe me, they were! I noticed on the back of the package it said you could bake the bacon in the oven so we tried it. I hate cleaning off my griddle after cooking bacon. It turned out pretty good. Not as crispy but I imagine if I would have left it longer than the 15 minutes it would have been. Monks loves eggs so much, it is so cute to watch him eat them. Eggs are pretty much the only thing he will let you feed him off a spoon. Everything else he has to feed himself. He can easily eat two whole eggs. He was not big on the bacon though when I gave him a small piece so he had eggs, a piece of tortilla and grapes.

1 comment:

  1. CJ loves eggs too! He can eat literally like 3-4 scrambled at once! And yet he is still so tiny....
