Thursday, September 16, 2010

Under The Sea

We made spaghetti last night for dinner because it just sounded so good with some salad and garlic bread. I always use penne or rotini to make it easy for monks to eat it. He ate a few noodles but once he saw the salad, he was done. He loves those little grape tomatoes! I can’t even tell you how many he ate. He eats weird things. Not weird like creepy foreign things, weird like not the typical things most little kids like. He will choose lemon pepper tilapia over mac and cheese. Cauliflower over yogurt. Mushrooms over nuggets. Stuff like that. Gigi had also brought him these little Gerber Graduates whole grain bars with fruit and he had one of those.
After dinner, he was filthy. I went to give him a bath. He has these little sea animals squirters that he loves. He doesn’t squirt with them, he just sucks their heads. Lately he has this habit, with any of his toys really, to move them one by one to a certain location and then once they are there, move them again. He will do this forever. The other day in the living room, he had his Buzz car and the seat lifts up to put in “cargo” and he always puts these little Tonka trucks of his and these animal Wheel Pals in there. The other night he was trying to put them all in there and was doing it really fast and getting excited to move them from the couch to under the seat. It was like he was being timed or something. Devin and Gigi love the show Minute to Win It with Guy Fieri and were cheering him on saying he had a minute to win it and yelling his name. He was squealing he was trying to go so fast and when he had the last one in it, he slammed the seat shut and sat down and was breathing heavy. It was hilarious. Okay back to the bath. He tries to put all his squirters on the soap ledge, but only about 3 fit, so when that fourth one goes on, one falls and he has to squat to pick it up and he repeats this several times. So yesterday he realized, hey, this bathtub ledge is bigger, let’s try that. He lined all his guys up on the edge of the tub and was so happy and proud they all fit. I was kneeling in front of the tub leaning forward and I guess I got too close to his masterpiece and he put his hand on my forehead and pushed me back. My mom was sitting in there too and we looked at each other and I said excuse me for getting in your way and he continued playing. I leaned forward again and he pushed me back by my cheek this time and looked me straight in the eyes. I then leaned in again to only be pushed back once more. I told him that he hurt mommy’s feelings and it was so precious because he looked at me and leaned forward, kissed me and then looked at me. I know he was thinking sorry mom, I still love you and you are the best, but you are going to mess up all my hard work so please get back. Okay, okay, so maybe that’s not EXACTLY what he was thinking, but pretty close. It was just so sweet. I then let him play for a little longer before getting him out. He is so funny and that adorable face of his is too much for me sometimes. I could squeeze him all day.

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