Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Busy Little Bees

We had a great long weekend! It was very busy and we worked so hard but we were productive and still got to be together so that is all that mattered to me. We registered for Olivia at Target, hit up a baby sale at Kid’s Village, met with a man who will redo our bathroom June 14th to pick our tiles and flooring, met with an agent about life insurance quotes, cleaned out the guest bedroom for the nursery, took lots of stuff to storage, bought all the paint and supplies to do Olivia’s nursery and we finished it Saturday night, cleaned out Monk’s closet and changed his room up a little, cleaned, had everyone over Sunday and grilled and hung out, took some pretty red and white flowers to Gigi, and swam with Monks in the 108 degree weather!! I am so not looking forward to the next few months and the temperatures. L

I was so afraid with Devin in school none of that would get done so I feel a huge relief it is finished. I am sad he had to work so hard on his few days off, but he was very excited and loves to do stuff for us plus had the best helper in Monks. That boy followed his daddy everywhere! Whatever he did, he wanted to do. He would wait at the bottom of the ladder in case Devin dropped something to be able to pick it up. He helped us a lot in the nursery and just in cleaning stuff up in general.

I have also been so emotional lately. My monkey is growing up and about to be two and our little girl will be here in about 8 weeks. Plus, it is the most difficult thing to feel so happy and so much excitement about all this and the changes, but still feel heartbroken and devastated Gigi is not here to help me, be with me, share it with me. Monks did yell bye Gigi when we drove off from the cemetery which was very sweet.

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