Friday, May 13, 2011

The Wrestler

Last night we went to Tio and Tia’s. Tia made us spaghetti and Monks loved it! He will eat anything his Tia makes though because she is a great cook! She also made some garlic and cheese bread on hot dog buns and my boy is not usually big on bread and he ate about two of them. He kept saying more peas. After dinner we had some cake and ice cream. He loves cake. Who doesn’t? It was then off to the bath in the new bathroom!! Yay! He had so much fun and even used “adult” shampoo for the first time. It was not a tear free one. I had everything in his bag he could possibly need except of course shampoo. So Tia was sweet and let us use her Garnier Fructis. Talk about the good stuff. J He had a football and a small bowl to play with and he had the best time ever. He also had a plastic back massager but liked the sound it made too much when you hit it on the edge of the tub so that was taken away after the second time. Austin even sat in there with us and Monks would reach for him and try to grab him. It was then off to watch the results on Idol! Tia and I watched while Tio and Monks wrestled on the ground. Pretty soon Austin wanted in on the action but I think he might have regretted that later. He was put in choke holds, pinned against the couch and kneed several times and squeezed repeatedly. He fought back though and pounced on Aikman a few times but we died laughing because when big Stin was on Aikman, Aikman wrapped his legs around him and rolled over and it looked just like an MMA move or something. It was hilarious. Tia rescued Austin once and moved him behind her out of sight and Monks got up and was looking for him and asking where’s Aww-stin? And then he even tried tricking Austin by calling his name like hey buddy come here I got something for you all sweet. He would say Awwwww stiiiiiiin. Awwwww stiiiiiin. When it was time to go, I told him to say thank you for my dinner and he said it really well and it sounded so sweet and then Tio told him you’re welcome and Aikman repeated welcome! Yay! More manners than just please and the occasional thank you! J It was a very fun night. We went home and I changed his diaper and got him in bed and he grabbed his dog and laid down and said bye momma. (His good night) He was out.

I told Tio about it today and he said yeah, Austin didn’t move this morning when I got up and he was laying in their living room last night on his side with all legs straight out instead of how he usually does kind of curled up. Guess they wore each other out. Poor boy and dog.  

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