Friday, May 27, 2011

Riding In Cars With Boys

Last night Tio and Tia came over and brought pizza. We ate with them and then I had to run to United to get some stuff for a potluck Devin was having that night at work. I also got us dessert. J Tio went to move his car since he had parked behind me and Aikman just started crying and got so upset he thought Tio was leaving. I mean I am standing there with my keys too but he was not concerned with that lol Just his uncle. So when he dropped to the ground to cry Tio picked him up and said okay come with me to move the car and he stopped his tears. I wish I had video of Aikman’s face when Tio set him in the front seat next to him. He was just smiling and clapping. I stood right in front of his car and could see Monk’s head. I saw more of that wild hair that needs to be cut but I could still see him. He was so excited and happy! Tio went and got in and began to back out and I heard Monks yell I’m something something in car!! I could not make out his middle words but I am sure he was happy. They backed out and pulled right by the curb and then stopped. I then left to go to the store. I asked him later what happened as they parked and he said Aikman just talked and talked and then when they stopped he said he looked at him like that’s it? that’s all we’re driving? So when he went to get him out he said he stared for a minute at him and then finally reached to be picked up lol While I was at the store Tia sent me a text of Aikman sitting between Tio’s legs on the floor getting his head rubbed/scratched. They said he sat there for about 15 minutes and when he would stop or pause Monks would push his head up under his hand more. Someone was getting sleepy! I got home and gave him a bath and then told him to tell Tio and Tia good night. He went and hugged Tia first and bounced on her a little and said his good nights and when he went to Tio, he sat right on his stomach and pulled his legs up and laid on his chest and hugged him. It was so sweet. He did say I love you a few times which is the sweetest thing to hear him say now and I had to take him from Tio because he was very comfy with his head turned sideways and eyes heavy. He went right to sleep when I put him in his bed.

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