Friday, May 20, 2011

Fun Night With The Uncles

Wednesday night Pete and Phil came over. We had not seen them in a week, they are constantly working! They were super sweet and brought Monks and I Alfredo’s for dinner and we watched Idol and they played with him. It was funny because he acted very shy at first when they came in. He would smile but not talk. He warmed up mid meal some and then after dinner he would not leave them alone lol He even cried when I put him to bed and they left. He likes to jump on them and play rough. He laughed hysterically when Pete was bench pressing him and when Phil would bounce him high on his legs as he sat in the recliner. He did tell Phil sorry which was very sweet when he hit him in the face accidentally. He also has this voice he does where he goes really deep and raspy and kind of growls and we call it his monster voice. He is so silly when he does it. They of course were laughing so hard at him so he kept doing it. He also was standing on Pete’s legs and holding his hands and I am not sure what exactly they were doing but Monks told Pete “Ready??” and he would tell Phil to “watch” He has the funniest little personality. He also yelled out itchy once and then when we would laugh he of course would laugh. The sweetest moment of the night was when Phil’s hat was on the ottoman along with Aikman’s dirty shirt he wore during the day. Monks kept looking at the hat and asked who’s is that? I told him it was Phil’s and he kept leaning closer and closer to it. I know he wanted to grab it so bad and would just look at us and then Phil said put it on so he immediately grabbed it and put it on. He looked so cute in a black flat billed hat and after a few minutes he said I want it. I laughed and said well you can’t have it, it’s Phil’s hat and he looked at Phil and then grabbed that dirty shirt off the ottoman and handed it to him and said peas. He was trying to trade! A dirty little shirt for a nice hat! It was hilarious.

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