Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hopper's Birthday Party

Saturday afternoon we went to Hopper’s to celebrate her 4th birthday! She had a Doc McStuffin’s theme (little show on Disney) and an air castle! There was just the right amount of kids in that everyone jumped at the same time. Monks was the youngest in there and had so much fun. He was so cute to watch. Only little boy. Lol. I never put Pippa in it but she had fun roaming the yard and hanging out in her stroller. Stephanni served popcorn and hot dogs. The kids had little smokies cooked and served in a bun cut in fourths. Baby hotdogs! So cute! My kids had so many between the two of them. She then had two games, one you had to pin the band-aid on Hooper’s knee (it was a big blown up picture of her) and then you had to guess how many pieces of candy were in a jar. It had suckers and hard candy. Guess who won that one? My monkey!!! He was the closest and was only 12 off! He was so excited. He won a little dancing skeleton which of course he adores! The party ended just as it was starting to rain. It sprinkled on us as we got Aikman out of the bounce house and put his shoes on. She had the cutest favors! To go with the theme, she gave out little “doctor kits”! They were pencil bags with a picture of each kid on them that said doctor’s assistant and were full of goodies. Aikman was so excited because it had little pill boxes with candy in them and she gave him several superhero band aids, a plastic syringe (tub time!), a wrap and several other supplies. Such a great idea Steph! We said our goodbyes and thank yous and as we turned off the street, it began to pour! It even hailed some. Aikman loved it and Pippa was out. She had not napped that day but 30 minutes and was wore out! Poor baby. We had so much fun and Aikman slept so good that night. Lol. Thanks again for a super fun party! Happy 4th Hopper! 

This pic looks fake lol

Pips eating a cupcake!

Sound asleep

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