Monday, October 8, 2012

Monks Pooped In the Potty Again!

Aikman pooped in the potty Saturday! I was so excited! I am not sure the last time I updated about his potty progress but he has mastered peeing in the potty. He may have an accident during his nap but that is really rare. He would always poop in his diaper overnight or during his nap. It was very frustrating at times but he just could not go in the potty. Saturday we were sitting around and he said I need to go poop! So I ran with him to the bathroom and set him on the toilet. He tried and then gave up. I knew he had to go so I said just try. Nothing. I had him stand on the potty with one foot on each side of the it and he tried (since he was so used to pooping standing up). I told him to pretend he was in his underwear and just let it out. Nothing. After 15 minutes, we got down and I told him to let me know when he needed to go. We washed our hands and went back to play. Not even five minutes later, he said I gotta go! He ran in there and at first wanted to stand in the tub. Hey, may sound super gross, but I was so excited he was telling me he had to poop at least so I let him. He told me to not watch and then I heard something hit in the tub! He had done it! I then cleaned him and the tub and he washed his hands and went to tell Daddy and he got a sticker and a brand new car! He was playing and then said I need to go more so we went back in the bathroom and this time stood above the potty again and he went! He went quite a bit! (Sorry if you’re eating something right now, lol) I was so proud. He was too! He called Devin to come look ha ha and he flushed the toilet and washed his hands and received another prize! It was so cute how much he talked about how excited he was to go! I know that sounds crazy, but hey, it has been over a month since he has done this, so if it means he stands until he is used to that, then so be it. I can do that. At Tia’s, he has his potty, so he can stand over it himself being it is on the ground so that should make things easier for him there too. I was so excited! Such a big boy. Everyone I talk to has told me with their kids, sons especially, it can take months to get the pooping down. We are on our way! My sweet Monks. 

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