Yesterday I was off for Pippa’s 15 month check up. My Pips
is growing so fast and she seems so much older in some ways than she should be
but still like such a baby at times. Makes me sad. Of course her check up went
great! He said she looked perfect and everything was right on track. She
weighed 25 lbs 10 oz and was 30 ¾ inches long. He said she was in the 75th
percentile so that was good. She eats so much but I guess burns a lot from
being so mobile now. Lol. My big girl. She got four shots, one of which was her
flu shot. I wanted to get it especially since the new sitter they will be going
to has two school age children so they could be exposed. I asked about Monks
getting one as well and the nurse said since we were there, she would just do
both. Pippa was fine laying there and laughing because the nurse had been
tickling her and then came the four sticks and she lost it. Good thing Daddy
held her arms. Monks was laying up there too and was talking to Pippa saying “you’re
okay sweet girl, it’s okay” and then the nurse interrupted him by saying she
liked his Toy Story underwear and he started talking and then she stuck him and
I was holding his arms and told him it was okay and then he yelled and began to
cry. I sat him up and held him and he said it had hurt and I said I know but it
won’t hurt long and then he saw his band aid and was excited and stopped. Poor
things. Pips took a little longer to soothe but once I handed her her bottle,
she stopped and just drank it in Devin’s arms. They both got suckers and
stickers plus a Halloween sticker! We go back in three months! I am so thankful
for my super healthy baby girl.
I have no idea why Devin is making this creepy pervert face. Lol. |
Monks is in love with this hat. He seriously wears it everyday and even napped in it Sunday. Yes, slept in this hat. Preciousness. |
Crazy girl. Horns said she looks just like me at that age except her hair is straighter and lighter. :) |
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