Friday, October 5, 2012

My Crazy Babies

We were watching The Sandlot one evening (Aikman loves this movie) and it was at the part where they are all at the pool. Ham jumps off the edge and yells “cannonball!” Aikman laughed and I said what did he yell and since it was like two seconds ago I expected him to yell cannonball, but Aikman shouted “Geronimo!” I died laughing. How does he even know that word?

We were snacking on some pretzels the other afternoon and Pippa heard the bag so ran over to get one, Mrs. "No one can eat without me". Devin gave her one and she put it in her mouth and walked off. She then came back for more and did this about 7 times. Finally I noticed she would wander in the kitchen so the last time she went, I got up to see what she was doing. That creep was throwing them away! Lol. There was this little pile on top of the trash of pretzels. I guess she didn’t care for the first one so threw it away but kept coming back for more. I said Pippa Grace and she looked up at me and smiled and walked out the kitchen like nothing. Crazy girl.

When I bathe the kids, I always get Pippa out first and then let Aikman play while I get her ready and then come to get him. This was the convo last night:

Me: Okay, I will be back to get you in a minute.
Monks: No momma, I want get out now.
Me: Monkey, just play and I will be in here soon.
Monks: No, I want get out.
Me: Fine. Come here you little turd bucket.
Monks: Turd bucket? I not a turd bucket! …I’m a boy! …And I’m only three years old!
I laughed so hard. Where does he come up with this stuff?

Aikman got this little Frankenstein toy in a happy meal in Mississippi. You would push a button and his arms and legs would fall off. Somehow in the nursing home the torso got kicked under this big dresser in Shirley’s room and we didn’t want to move that and her fridge to get it so we just left it. Aikman kept the arms and legs. When we got home from our trip and were cleaning his room, I saw the arms and legs and threw them in his trash can. Last night I was getting some laundry together in my room and Aikman walked in with the funniest face like what is the deal and one hand on his hip while the other was holding up this little arm. This was our convo:

Monks: Why this in the trash?
Me: (trying not to laugh) It’s broken and I threw it away.
Monks: But I wanna play with it!
Me: Okay, well it’s broken and you don’t have the body and that is silly to play with just an arm.
Monks: Fine momma! (he really sighed and rolled his eyes and put his hands up like I give up, whatever)
He then turned and walked out. Who was I to have the audacity to throw a tiny Frankenstein arm in the trash? I really could not stop laughing. He was so serious. I could just picture him passing his trash can and seeing it and thinking what the heck and getting it out and then storming down the hall like a parent does when someone has done something wrong. Lol. I found it insanely cute. My precious Monks. 

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