Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Trip To Mississippi

Sorry to be so long in posting! I feel like since Aikman’s party and when we all got sick, everything has been crazy since then! Friday the 21st, I got a call from Devin as I was coming back from lunch. He is usually asleep during the day so for him to call me at 12:15 never happens. I knew something was up. He told me his grandfather had passed away that morning. His grandparents live in Houlka, Mississippi which is 12 hours away. I left work and went  home to start packing. Tia had the kids and so she made us dinner so we could eat before we left. After laundry, packing and getting our oil changed, we headed to Tia’s to pick up the kids. It was about 5:30. We ate and then hit the road. We left at 6:30 and traveled at night so the kids would be asleep. Tia kept Aikman up during his naptime so he would be extra tired. He was sound asleep about an hour out. Pippa finally fell asleep at about 8:20. Both slept and would wake up when we stopped for gas. They would go right back to sleep when we drove off. We stopped about 4 times along the way. We arrived at his great aunt and uncles house at 7:00 Saturday morning. We had a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, homemade biscuits and gravy, several pastries and fruit. The kids loved it. Devin’s grandmother is in a nursing home so we spent a lot of time there with her. She had never seen the kids in person, only in pics we had sent over the years. Of course, she was in love. The kids and I also stayed with her during the funeral. She did not want to go, so we played with her for about an hour and a half and then went to pick up Devin to go to the graveside. We stayed until 4:30 Tuesday morning. Devin caught up with lots of family he had not seen in years. Everyone loved on the kids and were so good to us. We had several people ask to take my Pips home with them. Everyone went on and on about how gorgeous she was and how funny she was and how smart and funny Aikman was. They all also complimented us on how well behaved they are, especially for their age. Thank you, we will take that pat on the back. Coming home took forever! Being daytime, it was warmer, busier and Aikman was not in a diaper so we had to stop for him to pee several times. I was so proud of him though. He would just say I need to pee and we would pull over somewhere if there was no town close. He actually enjoyed that more, pulling over on some dirt road and standing on the bottom ledge of the car and peeing onto the ground. He got to where he would say “I please pee outside?” even if we were at a gas station. Lol. He was perfect coming home. He played with his magna doodle, cars, animals and we sang songs or played games. Pippa was great until we hit Weatherford. She had had enough and no snacks, toys, bottles or music soothed her. She would just yell or kick her feet and cry at times. We did stop in Strawn to eat at Mary’s. Tio and Tia happened to be heading to Mineral Wells to watch a friend’s son play football, so our timing worked out perfect. We ate for about an hour or so and then headed home. We were a little over an hour out still and Pips fell asleep. We got home at 7:30 that night. On the road from 4:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. Crazy! We were so glad to be home. Luckily Devin and I did not have to be back at work until Thursday, so we all slept in Wednesday until 10:15! We also took nearly 4 hour naps that afternoon. We enjoyed ourselves so much. Several pics were taken, but they were done with someone else's camera. They said they would put all the pics on cd's and mail them to everyone. 

Leaving Abilene!
Already out!
Baby girl out
Woke up at a gas station. Lol. Look at that hair!
Monks loved this bear so much! Uncle David killed this bear years ago in Alaska. He thought that was the neatest thing ever! He also had a stuffed bobcat, a bird of some type and several deer heads on the wall. 
Us at the visitation before the funeral. How perfect do we  look? 
My new favorite pic!
Pips chilling in Grandma Shirley's room. 
Aikman was sliding off her lap lol such a great pic though. 
Bathtime! Aikman loved the bath because you had steps to get into it.  It also was a jacuzzi style and they had the jets on. 
Ride home. 
Playing with Iron Man and Spiderman. 
Chillin. Look at that leg up. Lol. 
Asleep. :) 
Playing at their dining room table. 
They had land for days! Aikman enjoyed running around so much. I took the pic about halfway from the house to the street. 
Side of house. We actually took a little trip into the trees behind the house. There was a little trail but I saw too many spider webs and too much nature overall lol so I wanted to go back. Mommy doesn't do too well outside. A bug got on Devin's back and I grabbed a stick to hit it off. Devin said really babe? just gonna hit me? and I said um, yeah. Not about to touch it. Lol. 
Pips staring out their window. 

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