Friday, December 16, 2011

All He Wants For Christmas.....

We are taking the kids to see Santa at the mall this weekend. All of December when we would ask Aikman what he wanted Santa to bring him, he would reply with he wanted Santa. Now he wants trees. I tried to tell him we were going to see him and he needed to think of what he wanted. Last night as Devin got ready for work (he officially started patrol I might add), I rocked and fed Pips and Monks came and asked to sit with us. He crawled up on my left side and sat there and we rocked and talked. It was like a scene from a movie. We had all the lights off and sat in the recliner in front of the Christmas tree just looking at the lights on it and we had Christmas music on. He and I were talking while Pips started to doze off. Our conversation:

Me: What do you want for Christmas this year?
Monks: A Christmas tree!
Me: We have one, it’s right there. And you have one in your room. I know you like them, but what do you want Santa to bring you?
Monks: I see Santa.
Me: I know Monks but what gifts do you want? Do you want any toys?
Monks: Cars. I like cars.
Me: Okay, yes, good one. Anything else?
Monks: A train!
Me: Okay. Want anything else?
Monks: Um……….(and thought forever)
Me: Want some socks?
Monks: No, no socks.
Me: What about clothes, like pants and shirts?
Monks: No clothes. They not sound good.
Me: (I laughed) They don’t sound good?
Monks: No, not sound good. (paused) Pizza sounds good!

Crazy boy! I love that he said they “don’t sound good.”  He has started using these little phrases. He says I don’t know, sounds good, probably and I’m not sure. I ask him all the time where his shoes are and he says he doesn’t know or he is not sure and so I will say well are they in your room and he says they probably are momma, I go check! Lol. When he leaves the room he says I be right back okay? He just talks like a little man sometimes in the phrases he uses. He also tries to give you a thumbs up but his little fingers don’t work like that I guess and he ends up making an L with his thumb and pointer and puts it up to you.


  1. What a little genius! How have I never thought to ask for pizza for Christmas before!!

  2. pizza is yummy & a great present for christmas. :) maybe get him that playdoh pizza maker or something like the pizza wood pieces where he can make pizza all the time. :)

    cars & trains are always good standbys though.
