Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Eve Part 2

I want to make it a point to bake with the kids each Christmas. I remember baking with my parents when I was little and decorating cookies and I know Aikman loves any chance to help you with something so nothing could be more perfect! My Pips is still too little of course but I can’t wait until the day when she is old enough to help me with cooking and baking! We will have the best time! We made cherry chip cupcakes with cream cheese icing, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, pecan turtles, puppy chow (something my mom made EVERY year), and peanut butter squares. I still have sugar cookies we never even touched so that can be a New Years task and we can decorate them then. We baked for hours! I am not sure if I have mentioned my new addiction is Pinterest. It’s a website where people pin things they like and they vary from recipes to home décor to activities to do with your kids to sayings to silly things. I absolutely love it! I found over half the recipes we made for Christmas on there. The peanut butter squares I made taste just like Reese’s cups and were so easy. We also make these little pecan turtles where you take a square pretzel and set a rolo on top of it and bake it for 3 minutes and then when you pull them out of the oven, you press half a pecan on top and squish it down some and then I put them in the fridge to set and they taste just like turtles! And a little tip if you make those, buy the Rolo’s at the checkout because they are not wrapped where as if you buy a bag, they are all individually wrapped and you will be peeling off little gold foil forever. Lol. Aikman and I tasted a cupcake when they were done and after a bite he turned to me and said that’s pretty good momma. Pretty good. Crazy boy. Our dessert table looked great!

Yes that bib is Aikman's old one lol


Making turtles.....

Ta-da!! And we ate all of it :)

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