So I know this happened November 30, but I am just getting around to post and it’s by far one of the best things to ever happen to our sweet family! This was a crazy day! I left work at 1 and picked up Pete and Phil and then we picked up the kids from the sitter and then ran home to grab a bottle and sippy cup and a few other things. Monks had come down with a cold so he would cough occasionally. On the way to the Law Enforcement Center, he started coughing in the car. We had been to the Christmas parade the night before so I told Phil to give him a small piece of the candy cane in the bag to maybe soothe his throat. He gave him the smallest piece and it made him cough more and I just knew what was next. Yep, he threw up all over himself! Poor baby. He had it all over his nice button up plaid shirt and hands. Luckily, it did not get on his khakis at all. We changed him in the parking lot and I had to put on his clothes he wore to the sitters that morning (I dressed them in normal clothes and then Larissa being the great help she is, got them dressed in their nice clothes right before I got there). He had on his little black t shirt that says mom on it. Lol. Oh well. Stuff happens right? He still looked handsome. He didn’t feel too great but he was still such a good boy. And my Pips decided to poop mid ceremony and was not shy about pushing it out and grunting along with it! What can you do? Regardless of puke and poop, my kids were still the cutest ones there (alongside Adrian of course) and did great.
Devin was sworn in as a Deputy in front of our family. It was so nice. Big Tio and Tia Nett and Gramita even drove 3 hours for it! And it was so worth it. We are all so proud of Devin and he looks so handsome in his uniform. He worked so hard and deserves everything he gets. He also was one of the four chosen out of 23 for a patrol spot. He will be out on the road! Of course it makes me nervous but I could not be more proud and Monks is so cute when he says his daddy is a policeman and police help people! The Sheriff swore them in and then everyone picked someone to pin on their badge. Devin asked me to do it and I was so honored and proud. I do have to brag I was the first one done thank you very much! J After the pinning on, the deputies were presented with their certificate/award showing their new title. They then mentioned everyone within the department who got a promotion and Devin was called up again to be congratulated on the patrol spot. It was such a nice time and I am so glad all our family made it there to see. I know my mom and dad are beyond proud of him.

Notice no badge.... |
Deputies promoted to Patrol |
Yes this tasted as good as it looks lol |
Badge! |
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