Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving. It was nice to be together. It was tough and at times just felt like any other day but we had great food, football and our family all together. It was nice celebrating Pippa’s and Adrian’s very first! Although they could not eat anything, it was still sweet. Next year it is on! Aikman loved the ham and turkey, especially the neck that we cooked overnight to chop up to add to the dressing. He kept going to Phil to get some. We had, are you ready? Fried turkey, ham, broccoli rice casserole, sweet potato soufflé, homemade mac and cheese, dressing, corn casserole, baked potato casserole, gravy and homemade 7-Up biscuits. Yes you read that right. They were soooo good! I feel like I am forgetting something. We also had Gigi’s cranberry salad and pies. We ate so much but we kind of always do so nothing new there. J We laughed a lot too. I love that about when we are all together. We laugh constantly. Pete and Phil fried the turkey this year and it was wonderful! Devin had to work until three but when he got home, we were ready for round two so it was all good.

Grandpa always chased us when we were little with the turkey. That was something I wanted to be sure we did with our kids. I remember it being so much fun and so scary (in a great way) to see that thing coming down the hall after you. He would gobble too while chasing us. I know he dropped it at times which was even funnier. Tio decided he was going to chase Aikman (since of course Pippa and Adrian wouldn’t move lol) and when he pulled it out of the sink all this liquid dripped off of it and we were like eww, what’s the deal? So instead of running around the house we decided I would just put a towel down and he could shake it at Aikman. We called Aikman over (I only got video of it) and he gobbled at him and Monks laughed. It was so sweet and Monks was not scared at all. He actually wanted to kiss it but we of course did not let him kiss a raw turkey. We wondered how my dad never dripped any of that stuff anywhere and then a few hours later Tio said I got it! Dad chased us the night before when it was still frozen! We were all like oh yeah! Lol. So next year we will be prepared! And our turkey will chase Monks, Pippa and Adrian! How fun!

Enjoy the pics! That shirt Pips is wearing was what Monks wore his first Thanksgiving. Gigi of course bought it for him. I love that shirt.

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