Friday, December 16, 2011

We Had A Floater....

We had a fun time in the bath the other night! Sometimes I put Pippa’s little blue bath in the tub next to Aikman and sometimes I keep her tub out and just sit on the floor and wash her or set it on the counter and wash her. Luckily, this time she was on the floor and separate. I went to get her out and was standing above her and had her towel and she made this little mad face and Devin said what was that and then she pooped! It was like this little snake just coming out and started to float! It was huge! Lol. I immediately picked her up and then Monks saw it from his bath and was soooo disgusted. He started to yell eww Momma, Pippa pooped! Pippa pooped! He could not stop “ewwing” but he could not stop leaning on the edge staring at it either. Lol. That was her first time to poop in the tub.

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