Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Hilarious Monkey

I know it will take me a few days to get caught up but I don't want to forget some precious stories about Monks until then. He talks so much for his age and says the funniest things. He makes me laugh all the time. Here are a few precious things he has done lately:

1) Learned to count to 5 in spanish. He is obsessed with cuatro and cinco and the number two. When he counts things he will say two, cuatro, cinco, cuatro! We joke that will be his pin number one day for something.

2) He loves to eat and anything I serve always becomes his "fate-rit" aka favorite. You can give him chicken one day and he says yummy chicken, my fate-rit! and the next day he can eat a hot dog and he tells me momma, hot dogs is my fate-rit! Lol. he kills me!

3) He walked by me the other day with a basket full of cars and dropped some and said oh goodness! I couldn't help but laugh.

4) He loves our halloween decorations and told me he was excited for Ha-ween. I asked him once what he wanted to dress up as and he told me a trash truck. Um, okay. Everything he plays with has to drive and eventually wreck (his obsession with vehicles). He had a toy spider and it was of course driving along the couch and then I heard erk! it wrecked! He picked up the spider and said do you have a boo boo spider? want me to tiss it? Okay, I tiss it and he kissed the spider and then put him down. I said monkey you are so sweet and he said shh momma, the spider is sleeping cuz he cold. I said oh okay, sorry.

5) He sings part of the theme song to Phineas and Ferb and Team Umizoomi.

6) I went to use the bathroom the other day and he always follows you in there and stands right in front of you. We of course just talk and he usually sits on the edge of the tub. He said that's a bastub momma. I said that is a bathtub. He said I wike it in here. I said you do and he said mm hmmm. It's nice. I said well I am glad you like it and he said mm hmm, I wike it.

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